- Ruler: Jupiter, Hecate
- Element: Air
- Planet: Sun
- Type: Herb
- Parts Used: Fresh sprigs, Dried power, Leaf, Essential Oil
A favorite herb of witches, rosemary also has a long history of being used to counteract bad spells and block their powers. Hang fresh or dried sprigs of rosemary in your home to dispel witchcraft and evil plots. Carry the leaves in a red cloth bag for protection.
The reviving scent of rosemary stimulates the memory and thought processes. Rub the oil into yellow candles and light on a Thursday to improve your study habits and grades. Season food with dried ground rosemary to improve your memory and increase your clarity.
Its scent when burned or added to any herbal preparation adds an energy of protection and purification to a space. The oil applied directly to rashes and skin blemishes clears the area, and when inhaled, its aroma aids the memory and brain functions.
Sprinkling rosemary leaves over a grave brings comfort to the dead and memories for the ones left behind. Rosemary placed in a bath before bedtime wards away nightmares, and when carried in an Herbal Amulet, it gives confidence and courage.
As for Rosmarine, I lett it runne all over my garden walls, not onlie because my bees love it, but because it is the herb sacred to remembrance, and therefore, to friendship…
~Sir Thomas More
- Ruler: Hecate, Mars
- Element: Earth
- Type: Plant
- Magickal Form: Root, Essential Oil, Garlands, Whole bulbs raw and roasted
Used in every culture for protection and exorcism, garlic is a powerful tool in dispelling negative entities and can be burned in an Incense, hung from the doorway, and strewn throughout a room.
Garlic can also be employed in an oil blend for drawing protective symbols on doors and windows to keep illness and spirits out. The essential oil’s scent is incredibly strong; a little goes a long way.
This plant is highly valued for its medicinal properties and ability to drive away evil. Hang a braid of twelve garlic heads over the door to banish jealous people, expel illness and demons, and, by extension, the Evil Eye. Hang in the kitchen to prevent accidents.
Roman soldiers ate garlic cloves to protect themselves in battle.
According to ancient Jewish and Arabic sources, eating garlic increases the sperm count.