Odds and Ends, Randomly Useful and Totally Useless Ideas and Information


  • Bears, cougars, wolves, and humans are the main predators of coyotes.
  • A group of coyotes is called a pack.
  • Coyotes are digitigrades, which means they walk on their toes.
  • Coyotes are omnivores that eat rabbits, rodents, frogs, deer, antelopes, lizards, birds, plants, and carcasses.
  • They hunt at night.
  • Coyotes have 42 teeth.
  • They can run up to 40 MPH when chasing prey.
  • Coyotes are frequent communicators that growl, bark, wail, huff, yelp, squeal, and howl.
  • Coyotes are territorial and mark their area with urine.
  • Coyotes are monogamous animals – meaning they mate for life.
  • They mate in February and gestation takes about 2 months.
  • Coyotes have 5 to 7 pups. Both male and female coyotes care for the pups in their den.
  • Pups don’t open their eyes until 11 or 12 days after birth.
  • Pups will hunt alone by six months.
  • Coyotes are excellent swimmers.
  • Coyotes know to reproduce more when their pack is SMALL.

~Wild Souls Wildlife Rescue and Rehab

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