Monthly Archives: January 2017


  • Ruler: Venus, Bast
  • Type: Plant
  • Magickal Form: Dried
  • Magickal Properties: Love, Luck, Lust, Aphrodisiac

Aside from being the cat’s favorite drug, catnip is an aphrodisiac. When added to love spells, it energizes them and speeds up the results. Because of this, catnip leaves are used by many folks for luck in love affairs. Catnip is called a woman’s love herb because it is said to make women enticing and charming to thus to make men ready and increase their nature – and for this reason, we hear that women use it to aid in bringing about relations.

Sprinkle catnip under the bed for a lusty night.

It is said that if you carry catnip in a flannel bag, the man you want will be attracted to you like a cat to catnip. You can also use it in an herbal bath, sprinkle it at the 4 corners of the bed, or burn it with incense to attract a new lover.

Another way we have heard to use catnip to entice a lover, is to soak catnip leaves in whiskey and sprinkle the liquid on your doorstep for 21 days, starting on the full moon.


Here are some simple spells which use ingredients found in any supermarket.

  • Chocolate is excellent for money.
  • Spinach can help you get a job.
  • Bitter foods will make you work harder, sweet foods will ease the pressure on a workaholic (try honey, not junk food).
  • Apples are sacred to Aphrodite, so cut one in half and give it to your lover to enrapture them.
  • Get the one you want out of your life out of it by serving them a bowl of turnips. They’ll leave you – you won’t have to do a thing.
  • Ginger tea, or bathing with ginger will relieve stress.
  • Oats in a sock, popped in the bath, promotes gentleness and soft beauty.


Allspice is widely considered to be lucky and is used by many people for the purpose of bringing good fortune in business, money matters, and games of chance. Allspice berries are also known to relax the mind. Other names for this common spice include the following:

  • Jamaica Pepper
  • Clove Pepper

This aromatic spice is especially effective when cooked in water in a double boiler to fill a room with its scent. Doing so opens the brain centers to greater achievement and creates a happy, efficient work environment.

Other ways to use it include the following:

  • Add Allspice to any success formula to increase chances of beating out the competition.
  • Carry the whole berries in your pocket to improve your chances on interview or winning clients and making sales.
  • Some folks carry a cloth packet of Allspice berries on their person to ease their minds when they are under stress.
  • Sprinkle the powder across a place of business or dust the hands when you want to succeed.

For winnings in games of chance (cards, slots, keno, dice, the racetrack, the lottery, and bingo) carry Allspice berries in a small green flannel bag.

To enhance your chances of winning, add one or more of the following lucky money herbs: Nutmeg, Chamomile, Bayberry, Cinnamon, Alfalfa, Irish Moss, John the Conqueror. Before handling your cash (ticket, cards, etc), recite the 23rd Psalm while concentrating on your desires.

If you have access to a living Allspice tree, crush a leaf between your fingers and rub a little behind your ears when preparing to go on a date or interview. It’s guaranteed to make you more appealing.

Spells and formulas using allspice can be found here:


For centuries peoples have thought of the wind as being of four basic types, corresponding to the four directions or quarters of the Earth. These are the North, East, South, and West winds. Each is possessed of its own magical virtues, and certain spells are best cast during certain winds.

This may seem to rather unnecessarily complicated but it needn’t be. Looking to the winds when performing magic is no more difficult than checking the phase of the Moon, although the “phase” of the wind doesn’t last as long.

At best, if you can rig up a weather vane or windsock to determine the winds, you can adjust your magical workings slightly by waiting for the right wind.

Naturally, if the wind has been blowing steadily from the North all morning, it won’t do to wait for a Westerly one. The system is here to guide and aid, not to control our actions. Check the winds or not as you wish.

What follows are links to posts on each of the four winds, their meanings, and magickal workings:

In looking over the above discussions of each of the winds, bear in mind that this is not an absolute system. Different parts of the world have different attributes to the winds. The qualities discussed are those in favor in North America and Europe. Changes may be necessary for your own area due to climate, location, and weather patterns. As always, follow your own intuitive guidance when it comes to deciphering what each wind brings you.

The four winds are at least superficially related to the elements, and this can be kept in mind, but each has its own powers particular to the winds themselves.

One important point: In speaking of, say, the North Wind, it is the wind which blows from that direction rather than to the direction that is in question.

From: Earth Power


The West Wind is that which blows cool and moist; it may carry a hint of rain or mist as it washes over the land. It is a fertile, loving force which is gentle and persuasive.

It symbolically rules twilight, when all is at a standstill; day and night merge into a magical landscape of muted colors and cool breezes. Sunset, like sunrise, is an excellent time to perform magic – more so if the correct Wind is blowing.

Water magic – love, healing, fertility and so on – is excellent for the West Wind, as it adds its own forces and energies from that quarter. Especially excellent for spells involving cleansing or purely religious rituals, the West Wind is welcome relief after the dry, hot breeze from the South.

The West Wind is the blue of the sky just before all light fades from the sky.

From: Earth Power


The further South you travel the hotter it gets – on this side of the Equator, at least. For this reason the Southern Wind is a hot, fiery one.

Symbolically it rules noon, when the Sun (or Moon) is highest in the sky, the time of the greatest light and heat. Because the South Wind is related to the element of Fire, its magic covers the same ground. The South Wind, however, can be used for any type of magic when it’s blowing. It’s a good time to cast spells.

Since this wind is strong and hot, spells performed with it are assured an extra jolt of power. It is always exciting and interesting working with the South Wind!

Be warned, however, that fire – even the diluted Fire of the Southern Wind – can be dangerous. As we know, Fire can burn.

The color of the South Wind is yellow – the yellow of the Sun at noon.

From: Earth Power


The wind blowing from the East is that of freshness, renewed life, strength, power and intellect. It is a warm, bracing wind that blows from the point at which the Sun, Moon, and Stars make their shining appearances.

Thus it is the wind involved with beginnings, the new phenomena that rises from the work of the North Wind. the heat is that of the Sun, and the spark of creation.

Spells best utilized when the wind is sweeping from the East are those concerning dramatic improvements, changes for the better, especially in behavior. Also East Wind spells are those involving the mind and all spells involving the element of Air, to which it is magically related.

Love spells are best not performed with an Easterly Wind unless you want a very intellectual love. But perhaps there’s nothing wrong with that!

Since East is the direction of sunrise and light, the color is white.

From: Earth Power


The North Wind is the wind of death – but not necessarily that of physical death. This is the realm of the one eternal universal law – change. “Death” here refers to the elimination of negativity.

The North Wind is cold (magically speaking), blowing in as it does from the direction of winter and of snows lying deep across the lands. It is “dry,” or barren, thus paving the way for spells of destruction.

How to use it? If you are depressed, anxious, envious, jealous, angry, and the wind is blowing from the north face full into it and it will free you of these things.

If you wish to break a bad habit, perform any spell of this nature while the North Wind is blowing for added power.

The North wind, while chilly with night and death and deep snows, is also the wind of the element Earth, and thus shares in some of its qualities. But the wind, being dry, is not favored for fertility and prosperity magic, although that involving healing can be greatly aided by the North Wind.

Its color is the black of midnight.

From: Earth Power

  • Nature Spirits: gnomes, brownies
  • Herbs: marjoram, holy thistle, nuts and cones
  • Colors: brilliant white, blue-violet, black
  • Flowers: snowdrop, crocus
  • Scents: musk, mimosa
  • Stones: garnet, onyx, jet, chrysoprase
  • Trees: birch
  • Animals: fox, coyote
  • Birds: pheasant, blue jay
  • Deities: Freyja, Inanna, Sarasvati, Hera, Ch’ang-O, Sinn

Power flow:

Sluggish; below the surface; A good time for spell work having to do with beginning and conceiving; protection; reversing spells; conserving energy by working on personal problems that involve no one else; getting your various bodies to work smoothly together for the same goals.

From: Moon Magic
Art by Jane Haworth

“Magic is only unexplained science. Science is explained magic. When I study science, I study magic. When I study magic, I study science.” ― C. JoyBell C.
Do not use any ingredient if you are allergic to it. There is always something else that can be used, or substituted.
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