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Down The Rabbit Hole

I have been working on the Pagan Calendar, getting it updated for 2020, and it has been a long slow process. Every year I find better ways to keep track of the days and dates that change, but every year it gets longer and longer as more and more holidays are added.

My biggest issue this time around has been figuring out which posts didn’t actually make it to the A to Z and the 2020 Calendars because they were prescheduled, and published automatically. That’s because I can’t put a link to a post that hasn’t posted yet. So, it’s a tedious process of looking for what should be on the calendar but is not.

Also, I got really lazy about the A to Z page, and now I’m having to go through month by month and make sure that everything is actually there.

So, it’s slow… and boring… and sometimes confusing… and I do hope that it’s useful and worth the time and effort that I put into it every year.

Here are links to the newly updated pages and also a few new posts. I am no where near done, hopefully before the end of January it will be finished.

Today’s Offerings

Today, I started with the idea of updating the Pagan Calendar, which really really needs to be done, but then I found that I had other things I wanted to talk about first.

Over at Toward The One we have:

On the Book of Shadows I posted:

By the way, that image is part of my Psychedelic Dreams project. If you like it, you can find that pic and other similar ones in my Redbubble Shop. Here’s a link: Magick Mama

Hello 2020!

So, after a fairly long hiatus, I’m back to working on the website again. I took a long break to work on a big art project. The pic I’m sharing with this post is a sneak peak. My plans are to make yet another mini-site centered around the project which I have been calling “Psychedelic Dreams.” A lot of it can be found in my Red Bubble shop. Here’s a link: Magick Mama

Part of my New Year’s Resolutions involve delving deeper into my spiritual belief system. I have an ambitions idea of writing a sort of a “book” detailing my ideas about religion, the Gods, spirituality, life, life after death, and anything else that feels related. With this idea in mind I’ve been reading Rumi every day, and then sharing my favorite stuff on the “Toward The One” mini site. Here’s what’s new:

Still Obsessing About Animals

I’m still not done with the animal posts. So, today we have:

And then, when looking for amazingly cool pictures of ants, I stumbled into a series of photos of water droplets with flowers reflecting inside. Very cool. Check it out here: Flowers In The Dew

This Week It’s All About Animals

For the past couple of days I have been working to get all the Animal Magick posts moved from the old blogger Gypsy Magic site over here to This is what I’ve moved so far:

I also updated and added to this post, The Cat as a Magickal Ingredient. And then, I uploaded some pics that I happened to notice along the way.

And then, I shared the cat posts on It’s A Cat Astrophe, along with a few other things:

So that’s about as far as I’ve gotten this week. I hope you find something interesting and useful! Enjoy!

Exploring with Jurgen Ziewe

Today I was talking to my sister, and she told me about someone she had been listening to and found interesting. I checked his website, and looked a a couple of YouTube videos, and yes. She was right. He is interesting. I have so far shared his thoughts about meditation here:

And then, I went exploring and looked at his art, and found a virtual reality video that was really cool. Here are those links:

So, now I have to pull myself back to reality and get some stuff done in this dimension, and engage in my real life in the here and now. Enjoy!

This Morning

An interesting journey this morning. I checked my email, and saw a Yogi Berra quote that I loved. I decided to post it but I needed to find a good picture to illustrate it. Which led me to a bunch of cool hidden faces, and then somehow I ended up at a whimsical Japanese Temple.

Then, and I have no idea where this came from, I ended up with an X rated latte and a bail out, which is a clever little animated gif on which I spent hours and hours of google searches only to find out that there was no decent size copy of it.

So, there you have it. My morning in a nut shell. LOL.

Another Sleepless Night

I couldn’t sleep tonight, so I got up and started working on moving posts from the old Feathers and Bones blogger blog. Some of the posts are ending up on the new and improved Feathers and Bones, and others will be found scattered here and there.

Ok… so now it’s time to stop and actually go back to bed. I hope you find something interesting and useful!

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I Wonder
“What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” — Robert Schuller

I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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