
Spinning My Wheels


Wow… It’s so much harder to update the main menu on the website than I thought it would be, and I somehow changed the color on the home page menu, and can’t figure out how to change it back, even though I’m the one who made that menu to begin with… aaarrrggghhh…

So, for now, the menu at the top does not reflect any of the new pages. And since none of them are done yet, I guess it really doesn’t matter too much. On a positive note, the Site News blog is done and I think it looks pretty good.

Sadly, the RSS feed on the home page looks like crap and I don’t know how to fix that yet either. So, lots and lots of work to be done, and a number of learning curves yet to be mastered. That’s for sure.

Day 7

pandorasboxopenIt’s been a week since I opened the Pandora’s Box also known as “totally change the website so it’s easier for me to get it done.” And so far, I have moved up a few points on the steep learning curve that is a WordPress Multisite, and I’m feeling more and more confident about my abilities to make custom templates for each of the new blogs that will begin to replace somewhat busy but basically cool static content.

There is still a lot to be done, and I’m hoping that my site news feed on the front page is looking alright.

My biggest issue right now is getting the site news blog (this one) tweaked to my satisfaction, so that I can move on to the more interesting ones. When I get it how I want it, I’ll add it to the main menu, and post a short update.

Of course, then I will have to do the tedious work of updating all the main menus on every page that it will eventually matter. I’m not planning to update the pages that will be converted to blog format because it would take me forever (which is one of the main reasons why I’m switching things around).


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I Wonder
“What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” — Robert Schuller

I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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