Welcome to Feathers and Bones where you will find information on Shamanism, Native Spirituality, Totem Animals, Paganism, Omens, Rituals, Meditations, and more. It is my hope that you will find something interesting and useful that you can take with you on your journey. In this awareness, I share this from Shamanic Experience by Kenneth Meadows:
When you walk in darkness it is no use carrying a lantern whose light cannot be seen.
For then, every step you take will be a hesitation into the unknown where any tiny pebble on the Path may cause you to trip or stumble, or the slightest impediment, a cause for you to give up and abandon the journey to try, perhaps, another path.
So make a lantern, lit from the Red Indian fire and whose light shines clear for the way you’ve come to be seen and marked, and the way ahead to hold no fear for others who came after you to walk with an assurance, seeing by light from a torch you have left.
For those who walk this Path should not be left to grope in the dark when light can make them aware that the Path is beautiful and the steps they take can be a choreography of beauty, too.
For this Path is the Beauty Way, the Beautiful Way, where all who will may Dance in Beauty around their own hearth fire. What they need to light the Way is a lantern that is bright.
So make one. Lit from the torch you have been given. The eight-rayed Torch, The Flame Within that Illuminates the Eight Directions
Make One.
Be a Sun.