Shamanism and Native Spirituality

I found a great blog post about shamanism at a pretty cool website called Blue Plant Shaman. The whole thing is worth reading – I just pulled the juicy part out for posting here:

Here is a list that I came up with that I call the basic requirements for a person to be a good Shaman.

  • You need to come from a dysfunctional family.
  • You need to understand abuse, alcohol, drug, sexual, physical, mental, verbal, the more the better.
  • You need to have a fast mind. This is usually shown through a quick humor and/or problem solving skills.
  • You may have a thought that nothing is sacred nor should it be.
  • You will probably have a very strong sex drive.
  • You may think some things are funny while other people severely disagree.
  • You have the ability to teach without formal training.
  • Even the most introverted people will instantly open up to you.
  • You can make friends with the most vicious junk yard dog because you can relate.
  • You had the “visits” from the other side at an early age.
  • Sometimes we can seem like a twisted bunch, but everyone wants to come to our parties.

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