The Independent Review
Welcome to The Independent Review
The Independent Review was a small press magazine published between the years of 1986 and 1989. This brain child of Shirley Janner and M H Alft, was conceived as a way for beginning writers to see their work published.
Every three months we held a poetry and short story contest with cash prizes going to the winners. The best submissions were published in the magazine along with the winning entries. The entire project was hand typed on something we rarely see today – a typewriter – and then put together (again by hand) with old fashioned scissors and glue. It was then taken to a printer (and no, not on a horse and buggy), where it was professionally printed.
I have decided to reprint it here, on so that it would not be lost forever in the bottoms old boxes stored in dusty attics and long forgotten.
Copyrights to the work printed here are the property of the respective writers, and no work should be copied and shared anywhere without the express permission of the person who wrote it. If your work is shared here as part of this archive, and you wish to have it removed, or if you would like a link to your personal page or website, please contact me and I will make it so.