Monthly Archives: June 2020
Prayer To The Green Mother
Green Mother, Green Mother
Faery Queen Unseen Mother
Stars within the field Mother
Flowers that will heal Mother
Take us to the Mound Mother
Bring us underground Mother.
We’ll make not a sound Mother
As they dance around Mother.
Teach us how to dance Mother
As we flirt with chance Mother
Returning through the roots Mother
By seed and flower and fruit Mother
Green Mother, Green Mother
Faery Queen Unseen Mother
~Author Unknown
Antidotes To Fear Of Death
Sometimes as an antidote
To fear of death,
I eat the stars.
Those nights, lying on my back,
I suck them from the quenching dark
Til they are all, all inside me,
Pepper hot and sharp.
Sometimes, instead, I stir myself
Into a universe still young,
Still warm as blood:
No outer space, just space,
The light of all the not yet stars
Drifting like a bright mist,
And all of us, and everything
Already there
But unconstrained by form.
And sometime it’s enough
To lie down here on earth
Beside our long ancestral bones:
To walk across the cobble fields
Of our discarded skulls,
Each like a treasure, like a chrysalis,
Thinking: whatever left these husks
Flew off on bright wings.
~ Rebecca Elson
Yānā Moon: Charge of the Dark Goddess
James Cheney: Invocation To The Dark Mother
Daniel: Prayer Before The Final Battle
blessed obyno: Queen of Ghosts
blessed obyno: Queen of Ghosts