Wedding Dresses Gone Wild

Here’s a cool collection of over the top wedding dresses! Enjoy!

This one is made of paper.

A wedding gown made from peacock feathers? Wowsers!

This wedding gown was made from recycled plastic bags… interesting!

The plastic bottle wedding gown that no one can wear… I guess you just stand under it?

This wedding gown was made from paper towels… very absorbent, I would assume.

I don’t even know what to say about this one..

The bride elected not to wear white, but hey it’s a beautiful dress I think.

A wedding gown made of flowers. Pretty!

This wedding dress looks kind of odd. Not sure what’s up with it.

Balloons.. a wedding dress made of balloons… I’m speechless!

The wiffleball wedding dress that only the manikin was brave enough to try on!

Another strange design.

Hmmm… a dropcloth and plastic bag wedding gown.

This wedding dress with the flowers on the outside is actually very pretty.

This dress is billed as the world’s heaviest wedding gown… probably because of that ridiculously puffy and long train!

Hello Kitty! Cute.

Another super long train on a wedding gown…

The wedding dress made from newspapers…

It’s in a gallery, so probably never worn in a wedding, this wedding dress is made from recycled plastic bottles.

Interesting… and probably unbelievably hard to walk around while wearing it.

I saved the best for last… how’s this for a totally over the top wedding dress? Where’s the groom going to stand I wonder…

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