
Flower Beards?

Beards, the ultimate symbol of masculinity, are getting a floral makeover.

Ok… I know this is old news… dating back to 2015, I think… actually, I’m not sure because I can’t remember where I found this info. However! It’s new to me… so here ya go!

Men have been decorating their beards with flowers and plants and then sharing photos of their makeovers online. The earliest photos of these bearded men are from the seventies.

About two years ago, Utah florist and hobby photographer Sarah Winward started decorating the beard of her husband, David, with flowers. She took a series of stills and posted them to her blog in January 2013.

Now flower beards are everywhere, and the idea of using your beard as accessory has taken off. The Tumblr “Will It Beard,” in which a man tries to decorate his beard with everything from Lego bricks to cheese puffs, got 15,000 likes in a few days.

Sara Gold McBride, a Berkeley PHD student who is studying the connection between facial hair and power in history, describes it as a light-hearted protest against barefaced authority.

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