Giant Animal Invasion
Tiny But Strong
The Stuff Of Nightmares
Psychedelic Alien Fun
Cthulhu Lives!
Cthulhu Reigns Supreme
Creepy Disturbing and Weird
Street Art Graffiti

This talented artist paints cool and creepy surreal art in black and white on abandoned buildings and crumbling walls.

Are You Being Stalked?

Just in time for Friday the 17… considered by some to be every bit as unlucky as Friday the 13th… here are some fun pics illustrating the bad luck and the terrors that might be stalking you!

Binge Watching Andy Kehoe

I can’t get enough of Andy Kehoe’s art! I have been on an image binge for hours now, and these are the new (to me) ones that I found. There are two other Andy Kehoe posts here at More Cool Pictures, so, if you want to binge right along with me, here’s a link: Kehoe Art

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