
  • Nature Spirits: Mer-people, Air and Water beings who are connected with spring rains and storms.
  • Herbs: High John root, yellow dock, wood betony, Irish moss
  • Colors: Pale green, red-violet
  • Scents: Honeysuckle, apple blossom
  • Stones: Aquamarine, bloodstone
  • Trees: Alder, dogwood
  • Animals: Cougar, hedgehog, boar
  • Birds: Sea crow, sea eagle
  • Deities: Black Isis, the Morrigan, Hecate, Cybele, Astarte, Athene, Minerva, Artemis, Luna

Power Flow:

Energy breaks into the open; growing, prospering, exploring. New beginnings; balance of Light and Dark. Breaking illusions. Seeing the truth in your life however much it may hurt.

From: Moon Magic
Art by Jane Haworth

  • Nature Spirits: house faeries, both of the home itself and of house plants
  • Herbs: balm of Gilead, hyssop, myrrh, sage, spikenard
  • Colors: light blue, violet
  • Flowers: primrose
  • Scents: wisteria, heliotrope
  • Stones: amethyst, jasper, rock crystal
  • Trees: rowan, laurel, cedar
  • Animals: otter, unicorn
  • Birds: eagle, chickadee
  • Deities: Brigit, Juno, Kuan Yin, Diana, Demeter, Persephone, Aphrodite

Power Flow:

Energy working toward the surface; A good time for spell work on purification, growth, healing. Loving the self. Accepting responsibility for past errors, forgiving yourself, and making future plans.

From: Moon Magic
Art by Jane Haworth

  • Nature Spirits: gnomes, brownies
  • Herbs: marjoram, holy thistle, nuts and cones
  • Colors: brilliant white, blue-violet, black
  • Flowers: snowdrop, crocus
  • Scents: musk, mimosa
  • Stones: garnet, onyx, jet, chrysoprase
  • Trees: birch
  • Animals: fox, coyote
  • Birds: pheasant, blue jay
  • Deities: Freyja, Inanna, Sarasvati, Hera, Ch’ang-O, Sinn

Power flow:

Sluggish; below the surface; A good time for spell work having to do with beginning and conceiving; protection; reversing spells; conserving energy by working on personal problems that involve no one else; getting your various bodies to work smoothly together for the same goals.

From: Moon Magic
Art by Jane Haworth

  • Nature Spirits: Snow faeries, Storm faeries, Winter Tree Faeries
  • Herbs: Holly, English Ivy, Fir, Mistletoe
  • Colors: Blood Red, White and Black
  • Flowers: Holly, Poinsettia, Christmas Cactus
  • Scents: Violet, Patchouli, Rose Geranium, Frankincense, Myrrh, Lilac
  • Stones: Serpentine, Jacinth, Peridot
  • Trees: Pine, Fir, Holly
  • Animals: Mouse, Deer, Horse, Bear
  • Birds: Rook, Robin, Snowy Owl
  • Deities: Hathor, Hecate, Neith, Athena, Minerva, Ixchel, Osiris, Norns, Fates

Power Flow:

To endure, die and be reborn. Earth tides turning. Darkness. Personal alchemy. Spiritual paths, Reach out to friends and family, the lonely and needy.

From: Moon Magic
Art by Jane Haworth

  • Nature Spirits: Subterranean faeries
  • Herbs: Grains of Paradise, Verbena, Betony, Borage, Cinquefoil, Blessed Thistle
  • Colors: Gray, Sea-Green
  • Flowers: Blooming Cacti, Chrysanthemum
  • Scents: Cedar, Cherry Blossoms, Hyacinth, Narcissus, Peppermint, Lemon
  • Stones: Topaz, Hyacinth, Lapis Lazuli
  • Trees: Alder, Cypress
  • Animals: Unicorn, Scorpion, Crocodile, Jackal
  • Birds: Owl, Goose, Sparrow
  • Deities: Kali, Black Isis, Nicnevin, Hecate, Bast, Osiris, Sarasvati, Lakshmi, Skadi, Mawu

Power Flow:

Take root, prepare. Transformation. Strengthen communication with the God or Goddess who seems closest to you.

From: Moon Magic
Art by Jane Haworth

The language of flowers, sometimes called florigraphy, was a Victorian-era means of communication in which various flowers and floral arrangements were used to send coded messages, allowing individuals to express feelings which otherwise could not be spoken. This language was most commonly communicated through Tussie-Mussies, an art which has a following today.

The nuances of the language are now mostly forgotten, but red roses still imply passionate, romantic love and pink roses a lesser affection; white roses suggest virtue and chastity and yellow roses still stand for friendship or devotion. Also commonly known meanings are sunflowers, which can indicate either haughtiness or respect – they were the favorite flower of St. Julie Billiart for this reason. Gerbera (daisy) means innocence or purity. The iris, being named for the messenger of the gods in Greek mythology, still represents the sending of a message. A pansy signifies thought, a daffodil regard, and a strand of ivy fidelity.

You might also enjoy the Dictionary of the Language of Flowers, a list organized by the flower meanings rather than the flower names. If you are interested in combinations of flowers, you might want to read this post on Combining Flowers for Specific Intentions.

These language correspondences can be used when creating a spell, planting a magickal garden, to set an intention, or to send a message. You may notice some of the flowers (and plants) have meanings that seem incongruent or inconsistent. This is because language tends to change over time. Also, you may find that magickal correspondences to some of these flowers are in direct conflict – that is because the meanings were not derived from magickal sources. When in doubt, go with the meaning that resonates with your personal experience, and be clear with your intention. Pictures may be substituted for the actual flower or plant.

Here’s the list:


  • AcaciaSecret love
  • Acanthus  – Art
  • Aconite – Misanthropy
  • Acorn – Nordic Symbol of Life and immortality
  • African MarigoldVulgar minds.
  • Agrimony – Thankfulness
  • AllspiceCompassion
  • Aloe – Grief
  • Almond (Common) – Stupidity. Indiscretion.
  • Almond (Flowering) Hope  – Promise, Hope,
  •  Almond (Tree) – Giddiness; heedlessness Stupidity, thoughtlessness
  • Alyssum (Sweet) – Worth beyond beauty.
  • Amaranth (Globe) – Immortal love
  • Amaryllis – Pride; Pastoral Poetry
  • Ambrosia – Your Love is Reciprocated
  • Anemone – Forsaken, sickness, unfading love
  • Apple Blossom – Preference, Fame speaks him great and good.
  • Apple (Thorn) – Deceitful charms.
  • Apricot FlowerDoubt, distrust
  • Arborvitae – Everlasting friendship
  • Arbutus – You’re the only one I love
  • Arum – Ardor
  • Asparagus – Fascination
  • Aspen TreeSighing, Lamentation
  • Asphodel – My regrets follow you to the grave
  • Aster Symbol of love, daintiness, talisman of love
  • Aster (China) – Fidelity, variety, I will think of you
  • Autumn Leaves – Melancholy
  • Azalea – Take Care, temperance, fragile, passion, Chinese symbols of womanhood

B Continue reading

  • Animals: stag, jackal, elephant, ram, scorpion
  • Birds: heron, crow, robin
  • Colors: dark blue-green
  • Deities: Ishtar, Astarte, Demeter, Kore, Lakshmi, Horned God, Belili, Hathor, Hephaestus
  • Flowers: calendula, marigold, cosmos
  • Herbs: pennyroyal, thyme, catnip, uva ursi, angelica, burdock
  • Nature Spirits: Frost Faeries, plant faeries.Stones: opal, tourmaline, beryl, turquoise
  • Trees: yew, cypress, acacia

Power Flow:

To let go; inner cleansing. karma and reincarnation. justice and balance. inner harmony.

From: Moon Magic
Art by Jane Haworth

What it celebrates:

  • Second Harvest, The Mysteries, Equality and Balance
  • Day and night are equal and the God prepares to leave His physical body and begin the great adventure into the unseen.

Symbols of Mabon:

  • Acorns; Apples; Autumn flowers; Corn; Cornucopia; Dried seeds; Gourds; Grains; Harvested crops; Horns of plenty; Leaves; Marigolds; Nuts; Oak sprigs; Pine and cypress cones; Pomegranates; Red poppies; Wine, Wreaths.

Altar Decorations:

Any of the symbols of Mabon, including acorns, autumn leaves, pine cones, pomegranate, statue of the Triple Goddess in her Mother phase.

Activities of Mabon:

Making wine, gathering dried herbs, plants, seeds and seed pods, walking in the woods, scattering offerings in harvested fields, offering libations to trees, adorning burial sites with leaves, acorns, and pine cones to honor those who have passed over.

Spellworkings of Mabon:

  • Protection, prosperity, security, and self-confidence.
  • Also those of harmony and balance.


  • Acorns; Apples; Beans; Berries; Bread; Corn; Cornbread; Dried fruits; Goat; Grains; Grapes; Hops; Horn of plenty; Indian corn; Nuts; Pomegranates; Roast goose or mutton; Root crops (onions, carrots, potatoes, etc); Seeds; Squash; Sunflower seeds; Wheat bread and wheat products.


  • Wine, Ale, and Cider.

Colors :

  • Red, Deep Gold, Orange, Brown, Maroon, Violet, Russet, Yellow, and Indigo.


  • Dogs, Wolves, Stag, Birds of Prey (especially the Blackbird, Owl, and Eagle), Salmon, and Goat.
  • Mythical Creatures: Gnomes, Sphinx, Minotaurs, Cyclops, Andamans, and Gulons.

Tarot Cards:

  • Judgment
  • The World


  • During Mabon, stones ruled by the Sun will help bring the Sun’s energy to you.
  • Clear quartz, Amber, Peridot, Diamond, Gold, Citrine, Cat’s-eye, Aventurine. Yellow Topaz, Carnelian, Sapphire, Yellow Agate, Lapis Lazuli, and Amethyst.
  • Also, river or stream stones which have been submerged for the Summer may be used.


  • Vines, Garlands (made of these various plants), Gourds, Pine Cones, ferns, Acorns, Wheat, grains, Dried Leaves, Corn, Pomegranate, Ivy, Hazel, Hops, Cedar, Marigold, Milkweed, Thistle, and Tobacco, Walnut leaves and husks, Bittersweet, Rose hips, Oak leaves, Dried apple or apple seeds, Sunflowers.


  • Myrrh, Thistles, Tobacco, Oak Leaves, Hazel, Mums, Hops, Acorns, Marigold, Roses, Sage, Milkweed, honeysuckle, Solomon’s Seal, sage, Asters, Ferns, Honeysuckle, Benzoin, Passionflower, Pine, and Cedar, Rue, Yarrow, Rosemary, Saffron, Chamomile, Rose hips, Sunflowers.


  • Aloes Wood, Oak moss, Cinnamon, Cloves, Benzoin, Jasmine, Frankincense, Myrrh, and Sage, Black pepper; Patchouly.


  • All wine Deities (especially Dionysus and Bacchus)
  • Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess, Persephone, Demeter, Ceres, Bona Dea,
  • Thor, Modron, Morgan, Snake Woman, Epona, Pamona, Muses, Mabon, Thoth, Thor, Hermes, Thoth, Hotei, Sky Father,
  • John Barleycorn, The Green Man, the Wicker-Man, the Corn Man, Harvest Deities, and Aging Deities.


  • Burial Cairns, Rattles, and Sun Wheels


It was considered unlucky to cut down the very last of the Harvest, and so was also left to stand in the field by some traditions.


This post was compiled from various sources by Shirley Twofeathers, you may repost and share it only if you give me credit and a link back to this website. Blessed be.

  • Nature Spirits: Trooping faeries
  • Herbs: Copal, Fennel, Rye, Wheat, Valerian, Skullcap
  • Colors: Brown, Yellow-Green, Yellow
  • Flowers: Narcissus, Lily
  • Scents: Storax, Mastic, Gardenia, Bergamot
  • Stones: Peridot, Olivine, Chrysolite, Citrine
  • Trees: Hazel, Larch, Bay
  • Animals: Snake, Jackal
  • Birds: Ibis, Sparrow
  • Deities: Demeter, Ceres, Isis, Nephthys, Freyja, Ch’ang-O, Thoth

Power flow:

Rest after labor; Balance of Light and Dark. Organize. Clean and straighten up physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual clutter.

From: Moon Magic
Art by Jane Haworth

  • Nature Spirits: Dryads
  • Herbs: Chamomile, St. Johns wort, bay angelica, fennel, rue, orange
  • Colors: Yellow, gold
  • Flowers: Sunflower, marigold
  • Scents: Frankincense, heliotrope
  • Stones: Cat’s eye, carnelian, jasper, fire agate
  • Trees: Hazel, alder, cedar
  • Animals: Lion, phoenix, sphinx, dragon
  • Birds: Crane, falcon, eagle
  • Deities: Ganesha, Thoth, Hathor, Diana, Hecate, Nemesis

Power Flow:

Energy into harvesting; gathering, appreciating. Vitality, health. Friendships.

From: Moon Magic
Art by Jane Haworth

“Magic is only unexplained science. Science is explained magic. When I study science, I study magic. When I study magic, I study science.” ― C. JoyBell C.
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