
Making Oxymels and Elixirs

An oxymel is a blend of vinegar and honey. The vinegar releases minerals from the herbs, whereas alcohol really doesn’t, and offers a substitute for those who avoid or don’t want to use alcohol “Plain” oxymel is an ancient remedy that lends particular support to the digestive and respiratory systems.

An elixir, broadly speaking, is a tincture combined with any sweetener. Honey is the preferred sweetener, though occasionally a better choice might be maple syrup, molasses, or even the option of tincturing herbs in a sweet liqueur. For example: Rose petals steeped in St. Germain, an elder flower liqueur.

Administration and Dosage Guidelines

Elixirs and oxymels are generally taken by the dropperful, like tinctures, though they can also be taken in teaspoon or even tablespoon doses, as they are somewhat less potent than straight tinctures.

Shelf Life and Storage Guidelines

Oxymels and elixirs should be stored just like tinctures, in amber or blue glass bottles kept in a cool, dry place. Use flat caps on storage bottles and dropper tops on dose bottles. They’ll keep for 6 to 12 months.

Necessary Tools, Equipment, or Ingredients
  • Alcohol or vinegar
  • Honey
  • Mason jars, various sizes, for maceration
  • Dose and storage bottles
  • Wire mesh strainers
  • Funnels
  • Labels
Preparing Remedies – Step by Step

You can blend tinctures or vinegars you’ve already made with honey (either plain or herb infused) to create your oxymel or elixir, or you can macerate your herbs in the honey and alcohol or honey and vinegar, at the same time.

If you are macerating the herbs in honey and alcohol or vinegar at the same time, proceed as if making a tincture or herb-infused vinegar, but fill the jar only half way with one of these liquids. Then add honey to fill the rest of the way.

Instructions for making tinctures and vinegars are found here:

Close securely and label the jar with the ingredients used, along with the date you started.

Macerate (allow the herbs to infuse in the alcohol or vinegar) for 4 weeks. Shake the bottle every day or so to encourage maximum constituent release. Otherwise, keep in a cool, dark place.

Strain, re-bottle, and re-label making note of ingredients used and the finish date.

  • Effective in small doses. Oxymels and elixirs exert noticeable effects in dropperful and teaspoon amounts.
  • Portable. These are shelf stable and can be easily carried in a pocket or handbag.
  • Good tincture substitute. Oxymels are preferred for those who can’t consume alcohol, can be nearly as potent as tinctures, and extract a broad range of constituents, they’re better than infused vinegar alone.
  • Preparation time. If you’re starting from scratch, it will be 1 month or so before your oxymel or elixir is ready to use.
  • Note: If you are blending premade tinctures, infused vinegars and honeys, this isn’t a problem.
Additional Considerations
  • For Elixirs:

You might use equal parts honey and alcohol as described previously, or you might use as little as 1:3, that is, the final mix will be 1/4 honey and 3/4 alcohol. You could include less honey, but below that ratio you will start to lose the honey’s medicinal contributions.

  • For Oxymels:

Equal parts honey and vinegar is standard, but a 1:5 ratio – 1 part honey and 5 parts vinegar will still get good effects.

Feel free to combine alcohol, vinegar, and honey all in one.

Source: Herbal Medicine for Beginners

Making An Herbal Syrup

Syrups are often made using sugar, but working with honey is preferred because of its innate benefits. While the finished product is not shelf stable, it keeps well refrigerated.

Administration and Dosage Guidelines

Syrups are taken by the teaspoon or tablespoon, straight up, or stirred into tea.

Shelf Life and Storage Guidelines

Kept refrigerated, a honey-based syrup will last for several months. Light-blocking storage bottles are best, but as the syrup will be in the dark refrigerator most of the time, they are not as critical as they are for tinctures.

Necessary Tools, Equipment, or Ingredients
  • Herbs
  • Water
  • Pot for decoction
  • Wire mesh strainers
  • Honey, plain or herb infused
  • Funnels
  • Storage bottles
  • Labels
Preparing Remedies – Step by Step

Prepare a tea with your herbs and water – either an extra strong infusion (use twice as much herb as usual) or a concentrated decoction. If making a decoction, allow the water to evaporate as it simmers, reducing the original volume of water to half or one fourth the original amount.

Strain and combine the concentrated decoction with an equal amount of honey, warming gently as you stir to mix thoroughly.

Close securely and label the jar with the ingredients used, along with the date.  Store in the refrigerator.

  • Delicious. Syrups are appealing to almost everyone because of their sweetness.
  • Multiple extractions. If you use an herb infused honey, your syrup contains both honey and water extracts of herbs, maximizing the extraction of a broad array of plant chemicals.
  • Needs refrigeration. This makes the syrup less portable.
  • Potential for old. Always examine your syrup when you open the jar to take a dose. If there’s any sign of mold growth on the surface, discard it and make a new batch.
Additional Considerations

Some recipes for herbal syrups call for sugar as this creates a shelf-stable product. Instead of adding honey, you would add twice as much sugar as you have tea. For example: for 4 cups of tea add 8 cups of sugar. That’s a lot of sugar and the major reason this is not the preferred method.

You can make a honey syrup shelf stable by adding an equal amount of tincture to your syrup once it’s made. For 2 cups of finished syrup, add 2 cups of tincture. This could be the same herb (or herbs) used in your syrup – again increasing the range of constituents extracted – or complementary plants, creating a synergistic formula.

Source: Herbal Medicine for Beginners

Making Herb-Infused Honey

Herbal honeys are profoundly medicinal and they taste great. When herbs are infused into honey, the honey absorbs all the water soluble components of the herb and all the volatiles (essential oils), as well. This yields an excellent extraction of the herb’s complex chemistry and preserves it very well.

Administration and Dosage Guidelines

For internal use, herb-infused honeys can be taken as they are. More often, though, they’re used as ingredients in composite remedies, such as elixirs, oxymels, or syrups. Herbal honeys are also applied topically for skin blemishes, wounds, burns, etc.

If taken straight up, teaspoon and tablespoon doses of herb-infused honey will deliver an effective dose of herbal constituents.

Shelf Life and Storage Guidelines

Finished herbal honeys should be stored in sealed glass jars, away from light and heat. They will retain their potency for many years.

Necessary Tools, Equipment, or Ingredients
  • Fresh herbs
  • Honey
  • Wide-mouth jars
  • Wire mesh strainer
  • Labels
Preparing Remedies – Step by Step

Coarsely chop your fresh herbs and allow them to wilt for a few hours before infusing.

Put your herbs into a wide-mouth jar and fill half to three-fourths full.

If the honey you’re working with is a liquid consistency, simply pour it into the jar up to the shoulder. If it’s solid or semi-solid, gently warm it to get it runny. This is easily done by setting the honey jar in a pot of hot (but not boiling) water for 10 to 20 minutes. The honey will soften and become easier to pour.

Using a chopstick or spoon, stir and work the herbs around in the honey. Close securely and label the jar with the date and the herbs used.

Place in a warm area (like on top of the refrigerator) and leave to macerate (infuse into the honey) for 4 weeks.

Gently warm the closed jar in a pot of hot water until the honey has a liquid consistency, then strain into a new jar. Press the herbal residue (marc) against the strainer to express as much honey as you can.

Be sure the finished jar of infused honey is labeled with the herbal ingredients and the finish date. Store in a cool dark place.

  • Honey’s innate benefits.

Even before infusing with herbs, honey is an excellent wound healer and antimicrobial agent with a long history of use.

  • Long shelf life.

Honey is an incredible preservative. You can expect your infused honey to last for years and retain its effects.

  • Delicious.

Getting someone to take a honey medicine never seems to require much bargaining, even with kids and those who have picky palates.

  • Sweet means sugar.

Herbal honeys taken alone are not ideal for those with insulin resistance, diabetes, or other blood sugar regulation problems. (When mixed into an oxymel or elixir, though, this concern is minimal).

  • Potential fermentation.

Because we’re infusing fresh herbs into honey, there’s the possibility that the water content of the herbs will thin out the honey, making it sufficiently liquid to allow it to ferment spontaneously.

  • Preparation time.

Infused honeys take 1 month or more to prepare.

Additional Considerations

Choose local honey whenever possible. Aside from supporting local beekeepers (and local bees), honey made in your area will help you acclimate to pollen and reduce seasonal allergies.

Raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized honey has the most medicinal efficacy, but don’t worry too much if you can’t find this in your area. Most studies on honey as a wound dressing have been done with processed and irradiated honey, and it’s still very effective.

Do be aware that some “honeys'” sold in stores have been found to contain high fructose corn syrup or other adulterants. Make sure your honey is actually honey!

Source: Herbal Medicine for Beginners

Making Herb-Infused Vinegars

Vinegar is a useful solvent (the technical term is menstruum) for herbal extracts. Its acidity helps draw out certain constituents called alkaloids, which are often some of the most potent chemicals in an herb. It also helps dissolve plant cell walls and release mineral content. Apple cider vinegar is standard in these preparations.

Administration and Dosage Guidelines

Herbal vinegars may be useful as remedies in their own right, or they may be combined with honey to make an oxymel.

Herb-infused vinegars are frequently taken in doses of 1/2 to 1 fluid ounces at a time.

Shelf Life and Storage Guidelines

Like tinctures, store herbal vinegars in dark, light-blocking glass bottles in a cool, dry place. Vinegars will last at least 6 months and up to several years.

Necessary Tools, Equipment, or Ingredients
  • Herbs. If using fresh, let wilt for a half day or so spread out on brown paper bags or a clean tabletop, this will allow some water content to evaporate. Then chop or run through a blender before you put in the jar and add the vinegar.
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Mason jars of various sizes for maceration
  • Dose and storage bottles
  • Strainers
  • Funnels
  • Labels
Preparing Remedies – Step by Step

Fill a mason jar half to three-fourths full with the herb you want to tincture. If using roots, which tend to swell in liquid, stay on the half-full side. If using leaves or flowers, fill to the three-fourths mark.

Fill the jar to the top with apple cider vinegar.

If using a mason jar with a metal lid, insert a piece of wax paper under the jar lid before screwing down the ring. The vinegar fumes will degrade the coating on the underside of the jar lids. If you like, use plastic lids instead to avoid this issue.

Close securely and label the jar, including the date you started. For example: Nettle infused vinegar, 4/3/2019.

Macerate (allow the herbs to infuse in the vinegar) for 4 weeks. Shake the bottle every day or so to encourage maximum constituent release. Otherwise, keep in a cool, dark place.

Strain, re-bottle in colored glass vials, and add the finish date to the label.

  • Vinegar’s innate benefits. Taken internally, vinegar stimulates digestion and can help with blood sugar control. Topically, it has antimicrobial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects. Adding herbs enhances these further.
  • No alcohol. Vinegar extracts can be given in place of tinctures for those who can’t consume alcohol, though they’re not quite as strong.
  • The acidity. For some people who have heartburn or ulcers, vinegar’s acidity can be too irritating to tissues already tender and inflamed.
  • Preparation time. Infused vinegars take at least 2 to 4 weeks to prepare.
Additional Considerations

Always use high-quality, preferably raw, apple cider vinegar – not distilled white vinegar. Raw apple cider vinegar has probiotic content that can be helpful in some circumstances, like when making a digestive formula as a vinegar extract.

Source: Herbal Medicine for Beginners

How To Make Tinctures

Tinctures are among the most important methods of herbal medicine making you can learn, because of their potency, versatility, portability, and long shelf life. Fortunately, making a good tincture isn’t much harder than making a nice cup of tea.

Administration and Dosage Guidelines

Tincture doses are usually measured by the dropperful, with the assumption that you’re working from a dose bottle that is 1 to 4 fluid ounces in size and has a dropper top. Squeezing the dropper and allowing it to fill as much as possible makes 1 “dropperful” even though the entire glass dropper won’t be filled to the top. A dropperful equals approximately 30 drops. Measured strictly, this will be about 1 millilitre of liquid per dropperful.

Most tinctures are taken in doses of 1 to 4 droppersful, 3 to 5 times per day.

If you don’t have any dropper tops on hand, use a teaspoon. One teaspoon is equivalent to about 5 millilitres, so if the remedy calls for a dose of 2 to 4 droppersful, you can use 1/2 to 1 teaspoon and it will be close enough.

Shelf Life and Storage Guidelines

Tinctures should be stored in colored glass bottles, or kept in a dark place, to prevent degradation from light exposure. For long-term storage, use a bottle with a flat cap rather than a dropper top – the rubber in the dropper will degrade over time if exposed to alcohol fumes.

If stored properly, tinctures will retain full potency for 5 to 10 years, or even longer.

Necessary Tools, Equipment, or Ingredients
  • Herbs.
    If using fresh, let wilt for a half day or so spread out on brown paper bags or a clean tabletop, this will allow some water content to evaporate. Then chop or run through a blender before you put in the jar and add the alcohol.
  • Vodka, or Brandy.
    Other alcoholic beverages can be used as long as they are 80 or 100 proof (40 to 50 percent alcohol content).
  • Mason jars of various sizes for maceration.
  • Dosage and storage bottles
  • Strainers
  • Funnels
  • Labels
Preparing Remedies – Step by Step

Fill a mason jar half to three-fourths full with the herb you want to tincture. If using roots, which tend to swell in liquid, stay on the half-full side. If using leaves or flowers, fill to the three-fourths mark. Fill the jar to the top with alcohol.

Close securely and label the jar, including the date you started. For example: Chamomile tincture in vodka, 50 % alcohol, 1/3/2018.

Macerate (allow the herbs to infuse in the alcohol) for 4 weeks. Shake the bottle every day or so to encourage maximum constituent release. Otherwise, keep in a cool, dark place.

Strain, re-bottle in colored glass vials, and add the finish date to the label.

  • Small amounts are effective.

For herbs with unappealing flavors, you can get an effective dose without having to drink a pot of tea.

  • Versatile. 

Tinctures can be taken as they are, blended into formulas, or mixed with other ingredients, as in elixirs and liniments.

  • Portable.

Tincture dose bottles can be carried easily in a bag or stashed in a drawer at work, and are ready to take as soon as you need them.

  • Long shelf  life.

Tinctures can last decades if properly stored.

  • Contain alcohol.

Tinctures cannot be used by those who cannot consume alcohol due to liver problems, being a recovering alcoholic, religious reasons, or other situations in which alcohol is not advised or appropriate.

  • Preparation time.

Tinctures made by maceration take at least 2 weeks, usually 1 month, to be ready. You’ll have to plan ahead.

Additional Considerations

There is some variation in tincture-making processes, and more precise methods use weights and measures to arrive at a standardized ratio of plant matter to solvent often seen on a tincture bottle as a ratio such as 1:5, indicating that each 5 millilitres of tincture carries the equivalent of 1 gram of herb material. The simple maceration method described here will suffice in most situations.

You can use any alcohol you like for tincturing as long as it has a high enough alcohol content. For example, an excellent tincture of herbs for the urinary system might use gin because it already contains juniper, which is a urinary antiseptic herb. Tequila and catnip are also nice in combination.

Some plants require more alcohol, some more water. The vast majority of plants are fine to tincture in vodka or brandy (40 to 50% alcohol). When extracting resins, consider using grain alcohol (95% alcohol). When extracting mucilages use water with just enough alcohol to prevent molding (20% of the total) For shelf-stable preservation, 20% alcohol is the minimum.

You can tincture herbal powders, they just require a lot more shaking to extract well and are a bit more difficult to strain at the end.

Practically speaking, you’ll make larger amounts (pints to quarts) of individual plant tinctures, then blend them together in small amounts (2 to 8 fluid ounces) of formulas. As time goes on, you may find a lot of help from a particular formula and want to have more on hand, but wait until you’ve worked through your first few ounces ( to make sure you like it or know better how much you need) before you do that.

It’s also okay to tincture more than one plant together right from the start, rather than tincturing them all individually and then blending the tinctures.

Source: Herbal Medicine for Beginners

Preparing Poultices and Compresses

A poultice is a mass of warm, wet plant matter applied directly to the skin or a wound. A compress is simply a tea-soaked cloth or bandage applied similarly. Used for similar functions as a bath or soak, these can be applied to a specific area more easily and precisely.

Administration and Dosage Guidelines

Once you have the poultice or compress in place, keep it there for 5 to 20 minutes. Repeat 1 to 3 times per day.

Shelf Life and Storage Guidelines

Poultices and compresses are made on as-needed basis. They are not stored. However, dry herbs that you might want to use in poultices or compresses can keep for years if they’re stored in airtight containers.

Necessary Tools, Equipment, or Ingredients
  • Herbs
  • Water
  • Washcloth, rag, bandanna, etc
  • Cheesecloth or gauze bandage
Preparing Remedies – Step by Step

Start by gently cleaning the affected area.

  • For A Poultice:

Place 4 to 6 tablespoons of the herb mixture in a heat-proof dish.

Pour boiling water over the herbs, just enough to fully saturate them – not enough so they’re swimming. Let the herbs soak for about 5 minutes.

Scoop the herbs out of the dish onto a piece of cheese cloth or a gauze bandage and give it a squeeze (like you would a teabag when you take it out of the water).

Apply the mass of herbs, warm and wet, to the affected area. You may prefer to wrap the herbs in a layer or two of cheesecloth or gauze to keep them contained.

Cover with a cloth and keep in place for 5 to 20 minutes, then gently dry the area.

Clean the area again, and bandage or cover if appropriate.

  • For A Compress:

Prepare the infusion or decoction of the herbs you’ll be working with and strain.

Soak a cloth in the hot tea, holding it by a dry spot and allowing the cloth to cool in the air until hot but comfortable to the touch.

Lay the wet cloth over the affected area. Cover with a dry cloth

Get comfortable and let it oak in for 20 to 20 minutes.

Clean the area again, and bandage or cover if appropriate.

  • Delivers the medicine where it’s needed.

Poultices and compresses can be used to deliver herbal medicines to areas that are hard to soak. They work quickly for topical issues where internal use would be very slow or ineffective.

  • Soothing and stimulating.

These preparations stimulate local circulation in the skin and underlying tissues, which helps speed healing. At the same time, they relax tension that prevents healthy, fluid movement.

  • Messy.

It’s easy to get herbs or tea all over yourself and your furniture when applying a poultice or compress. Lots of towels and secure wrapping help.

  • Takes Time.

Between preparation and execution, it can take at least 30 minutes to prepare and administer a poultice or compress.

  • Not portable.

Because they are messy and time consuming, poultices and compresses are usually only done at home.

Additional Considerations

Don’t use the same compress cloth twice in one sitting – use a new cloth for each tip into the infusion or decoction. This is most critical when dealing with infected wounds, but make a habit of it in all situations.

You may want to prepare a hot water bottle when setting up your poultice or compress to lay on top and keep the application warm for a longer period of time.

Be sure to clean the affected area both before and after using your compress and especially when using a poultice. Don’t leave any little bits of herbal material on the irritated skin or in the wound.

Source: Herbal Medicine for Beginners

Preparing An Herbal Bath or Soak

Bathing or soaking part of the body in an herbal tea is a great way to get the herbs in contact with the affected part. These are good for infected skin or wounds, burns, rashes, and all manner of topical troubles.

Administration and Dosage Guidelines

You might make a whole-body bath with herbs, or you may just soak a particular part (as with a foot bath or sitz bath). Keeping the water as hot as tolerable is best, as this facilitates absorption of the herbal medicines.

For most issues, it’s effective to soak for 15 to 20 minutes, 1 to 3 times per day.

Shelf Life and Storage Guidelines

Baths and soaks are made on as-needed basis. They are not stored. Dry herbs blended for a herbal bath or soak formula can keep for years if they’re stored in airtight containers.

Necessary Tools, Equipment, or Ingredients
  • Herbs
  • Water
  • Salt (optional)
  • Vinegar (optional)
  • Bathtub, dish basin, or other soaking vessel
Preparing Remedies – Step by Step

Prepare an appropriate herbal tea. This can be either an infusion, a decoction, or a combination of both.

Pour the tea into a dish basin or similar container. For a whole-body bath, fill the bathtub with hot water, and pour in the herbal tea (at least one full quart).

If using vinegar, salt, or additional water, add it now. Stir to incorporate and dissolve. Test the heat with your hand, and submerge the affected body part.

Soak for a maximum of 15 to 20 minutes.


The benefit of an herbal bath or soak is that it delivers the medicine where it’s needed.

Baths and soaks are great for skin conditions and wounds. They work quickly for topical issues where internal use would be very slow or ineffective.

  • Not everything fits. Some body parts don’t fit well into a soaking vessel, or are hard to soak separately (shoulders, for example). Use a compress in those cases.
  • Takes time. Between preparation and execution, it can take at least 30 minutes to conduct an effective soak.
  • Not portable. Baths require space and privacy, so they’re usually done at home.
Additional Considerations

If your town or city chlorinates its tap water it is best to use a chlorine filter on the water you bathe or soak in. Inexpensive filters can be found online. Filters that use vitamin C cartridges or tables are recommended because this takes care of chloramines as well.

Warm, moistened skin is more absorptive after a good soak, follow up with salve or other topical applications. They will work even better than usual.

Source: Herbal Medicine for Beginners

How To Make Herbal Steams

Herbal steams are excellent for addressing issues in the lungs and sinuses, the face, and eyes. The evaporating steam carries light chemicals from the herbs, including some with antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, relaxant, and immune-stimulating effects. These get into direct contact with the respiratory tract and skin, exerting their effects strongly.

Administration and Dosage Guidelines

Administer a steam whenever you want to stimulate the surface or respiratory tissues with moist heat. For acute illness, it’s best to steam at least twice a day. For ongoing skin or respiratory support, once a day is sufficient.

Shelf Life and Storage Guidelines

Steams are made on as-needed basis. They are not stored. Dry herbs blended for an herbal steam formula can keep for years if they’re stored in airtight containers.

Necessary Tools, Equipment, or Ingredients
  • Herbs
  • Water
  • Gallon-size or larger pot
  • Towel or blanket
Preparing Remedies – Step by Step
  1. On the stove, boil 1/2 to 1 gallon of water in a covered pot.
  2. Once at a full boil, remove from the heat and place the pot on a heat-proof surface.
  3. Make a tent by draping a blanket or towel over your head.
  4. Remove the lid from the pot and add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of your herb mixture to the water.
  5. Position your face over the steam and remain there for 5 to 20 minutes, catching the steam with your tent.
  6. For respiratory issues, inhale the steam as deeply as you can so the medicated steam gets deep into your lungs.
  7. Keep a handkerchief nearby – the steam will clear your sinuses and make your nose run.
  • Delivers the medicine where it’s needed.

Particularly for antimicrobial effects, steam is the most direct method for getting the herbs in contact with the respiratory tract tissues.

  • Stimulating but soothing.

The warmth and moisture of steams help activate immune function in the mucous membranes and at the same time relieve irritation and calm a cough or ease difficult breathing.

  • Takes time. Between preparation and execution it can take at least 30 minutes to conduct a good effective steam.
  • Not portable. Steams require some space and a stove to make effectively, so they’re mostly done at home.
Additional Considerations

After steaming, you can use the leftover liquid – it is essentially a hot infusion. Drink it, soak your feet in it, soak a cloth and make a compress, or employ it in some other way so nothing is wasted. If nothing else, let it cool and feed it to your garden or houseplants. Plants like tea, too.

You can also make a good steam using essential oils. Simply boil water and set up your steaming station as directed, but instead of adding dry herbs, tap in 10 to 30 drops of essential oil. DO NOT however, drink the leftover liquid when done steaming. It can, however, be used as a foot soak.

Source: Herbal Medicine for Beginners

How To Make A Decoction

Another method of making tea, decoctions are necessary when working with roots, barks, seeds, and other hard or woody plant parts. These require more time exposed to high heat to release their benefits into the water.

Administration and Dosage Guidelines

Like infusions, decoctions are generally drunk as they are. They may also serve as an ingredient in another remedy (bath, soak, compress, syrup, lotion, etc). Each decoction has its own dosage range depending on the herbs used, but in general it is normally recommended that you drink two cups to a quart of decoction daily.

Self Life and Storage Guidelines

Dry herbs blended for a decoction formula can keep for years if they’re stored in airtight containers. Once water is added, decoctions are generally only good for 1 or 2 days at room temperature. If kept refrigerated, this could extend to 3 days. Trust your tongue. If the decoction tastes “skunky” or otherwise off, best to make a new batch.

Necessary Tools, Equipment, or Ingredients
  • Herbs
  • Water
  • Quart to gallon size pot
  • Mesh strainer
Preparing Remedies – Step by Step
  1. Unless otherwise specified, use 2 to 4 tablespoons of herbs per quart of water.
  2. Put the herbs and water in a lidded pot on the stove, cover, and bring to a boil.
  3. Once boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for 20 minutes to an hour, stirring occasionally.
  4. Strain the liquid for consumption and compost the leftover herb material. The technical term for this material is marc.
  5. You may also choose to ladle out a teacupful at a time, leaving the water and the herbs in the pot until you strain off the last cup.
  • Easy to make: A stove, herbs, water, and a good pot are all you need.
  • Versatile: Decoctions can be employed in a variety of ways, depending on need.
  • Potent: Decoctions can be quite potent, as the simmering process extracts a majority of the herbs’ available constituents.
  • Hydrating: Drinking enough water is important for good health; decoctions count as water intake.
  • Take time to make: Decoctions require a bit of time to prepare, so they’re not great for resolving something quickly like a bee sting or an asthma attack.
  • Taken in quantity: When you drink a decoction, you need at least a teacup or two for beneficial effects. Not all herbs taste good, and decoctions are often quite strong and can be unpleasant to drink in that quantity.
  • Short shelf life: Once made, consume decoctions promptly.
Additional Considerations

Generally, each herb is either infused or decocted, depending on what kind of plant part it is:

  • Leaves, flowers, and stems are usually infused.
  • Roots, seeds, and barks are usually decocted.

If you want to include both types of herb material in one drink, first decoct your hard herb parts. Then strain that liquid while still hot, and add your lighter plant bits to it for infusion. Strain one more time and it’s ready to drink.

Sometimes decoctions are made in an open pot, allowing evaporation to reduce the volume of water. This concentrates the decoction’s strength. In some Syrups, for example, the herbs are first decocted, the liquid is reduced to half, then it is mixed with honey.

Source: Herbal Medicine for Beginners.

How To Make An Infusion

If you think of making tea, you probably picture an infusion. It’s the simplest, most fundamental way to work with herbs, and is a preferred method in most circumstances. Infusions can be prepared in a variety of ways, but the these are the most common:

  • Hot Infusion:

Like using a tea bag, a short, hot infusion means pouring boiling water on your herbs, letting them steep for a few minutes, and drinking as soon as tolerably cool. This method is best for herbs with aromatic, or volatile constituents, which will evaporate if left to infuse for too long.

  • Cold Infusion:

This method is used for demulcent, or mucilaginous herbs, such as marshmallow – those that increase the water’s viscosity as they infuse, rendering it first ‘velvety,’ then slimy. This only happens in cold water, hot water doesn’t release the constituents responsible for this effect.

  • Long Infusion:

Whey trying to extract mineral content from nutritive herbs such as nettle, a long infusion is required. When done in a tightly sealed jar, this method also allows us to combine the quick-release aromatic constituents of one herb with the slow-release mucilage from another, as the initially hot water cools over time.

Administration and Dosage

Infusions are generally drunk as they are. They may also serve as an ingredient an another remedy (bath, soak, compress, syrup, lotion, etc). Each infused herb or formula has its own dosage ranges, but it is normally recommended to drink a quart of infusion daily, sometimes more.

Shelf Life and Storage Guidelines

Dry herbs blended for an infusion can keep for years if they’re stored in airtight containers. Once water is added, infusions are generally only good for 1 or 2 days; if kept refrigerated, this could extend to 3 days. Trust your tongue. If the tea tastes “skunky” or otherwise off, best to make a new batch.

Necessary Tools, Equipment, or Ingredients
  • Herbs
  • Water
  • Teacup, teapot, mason jar, French press, or other container
  • Mesh strainer
Preparing The Remedies – Step by Step

Unless otherwise specified, use 2 to 3 tablespoons of herbs per quart of water. If making only a single cup of tea, use 1 to 3 teaspoons of herbs.

Combine the herbs with the water and let it steep:

  • Hot infusion: Pour boiling water over the herbs, cover and steep for 20 minutes or until cool enough to drink.
  • Cold infusion: Pour cold or room temperature water over the herbs and steep for 4 to 8 hours.
  • Long infusion: Pour boiling water over the herbs, cover tightly, and steep for 4 to 8 hours or overnight.

Once the herbs have steeped, you may strain the liquid and compost the leftover herb material. The technical term for this material is marc.

  • Easy to make: Hot water, herbs, and a container are all you need.
  • Versatile: Infusions can be employed in a variety of ways, depending on need.
  • Potent: Each infusion method extracts a broad spectrum of constituents from the herbs, giving a good reflection of their full potential.
  • Hydrating: Drinking enough water is important for good health; infusions count as water intake.
  • Taken in quantity: When you drink an infusion, you need at least a teacup or two for beneficial effects. Not all herbs taste good, and some can be unpleasant to drink in that quantity.
  • Short shelf life: Once made, infusions must be consumed promptly.
Additional Considerations

A press pot is a handy way to make infusions – you can steep them inside for a long time while still keeping them hot.

For long infusions, you can also use a drop coffee maker. Put the herbs into the carafe (not the filter basket), turn it on, and let the water drip down onto them. They’ll stay warm on the hot plate, shortening the amount of time you need to infuse them. If it was ever used for coffee, though, this will add a coffee taste to your tea.

Source: Herbal Medicine for Beginners

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Through plants, the outer light of the sun and the stars becomes the inner light which reflects back from the foundations of our soul. This is the reason why plants have always and everywhere been considered sacred, divine. ~Storl
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