How To Make A Liniment

A good liniment can be made with a blend of herb-infused oil with tincture, and can also include essential oils. This combination of alcohol and oil allows you to get a full constituent extraction from the herbs, and it has both quick acting and slow-release qualities in one. It is intended for topical use only.

Administration and Dosage Guidelines

When applying a liniment, massage it in until your hands no longer feel oily. Work the liniment into the tissue; don’t just lightly rub it onto the surface.

Liniments should be applied 3 to 5 times per day, or ore as needed.

Shelf Life and Storage Guidelines

It’s better to store liniments in bottles with flat caps rather than dropper tops, as the oil can degrade the rubber on exposure. Simply tip a little into your palm when you want to use it.

Liniments are shelf stable and will retain potency for at least 1 year.

Necessary Tools, Equipment, or Ingredients
  • Tinctures
  • Infused oils
  • Essential oil (optional)
  • Funnels
  • Bottles and caps
  • Labels
Preparing Remedies – Step by Step

In order to make this type of liniment, you will first need a tincture and an infused oil. Instructions on how to make them can be found here:

In your storage bottle, combine the tincture and the infused oil. Cap the bottle, shake well, and label with the ingredients used and the finish date. Store in a cool dark place.

You can use equal parts tincture and oil, or experiment with ratios such as those used in an oxymel or elixir. Instructions for those can be found here: Making Oxymels and Elixirs. If you are using essential oils, add at a ratio of 10 to 30 drops of essential oil per ounce of liniment.

Shake well before each use.

  • Double action. The tincture is rapidly absorbed and begins to work quickly, while the oil is absorbed more slowly and releases its medicine over time.
  • Safe essential oil use. Essential oils disperse nicely in a liniment, making this a safe way to work with them for topical purposes.
  • Messy. While not quite as troublesome as simple infused oils, liniments have a tendency to leak from their bottles. If you travel with a liniment, enclose the bottle in a resealable plastic bag.
Additional Considerations

Some herbalists define a liniment as a tincture made in rubbing alcohol or another substance that cannot be consumed, intended for topical use only.

Source: Herbal Medicine for Beginners

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Through plants, the outer light of the sun and the stars becomes the inner light which reflects back from the foundations of our soul. This is the reason why plants have always and everywhere been considered sacred, divine. ~Storl
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