Preparing Poultices and Compresses

A poultice is a mass of warm, wet plant matter applied directly to the skin or a wound. A compress is simply a tea-soaked cloth or bandage applied similarly. Used for similar functions as a bath or soak, these can be applied to a specific area more easily and precisely.

Administration and Dosage Guidelines

Once you have the poultice or compress in place, keep it there for 5 to 20 minutes. Repeat 1 to 3 times per day.

Shelf Life and Storage Guidelines

Poultices and compresses are made on as-needed basis. They are not stored. However, dry herbs that you might want to use in poultices or compresses can keep for years if they’re stored in airtight containers.

Necessary Tools, Equipment, or Ingredients
  • Herbs
  • Water
  • Washcloth, rag, bandanna, etc
  • Cheesecloth or gauze bandage
Preparing Remedies – Step by Step

Start by gently cleaning the affected area.

  • For A Poultice:

Place 4 to 6 tablespoons of the herb mixture in a heat-proof dish.

Pour boiling water over the herbs, just enough to fully saturate them – not enough so they’re swimming. Let the herbs soak for about 5 minutes.

Scoop the herbs out of the dish onto a piece of cheese cloth or a gauze bandage and give it a squeeze (like you would a teabag when you take it out of the water).

Apply the mass of herbs, warm and wet, to the affected area. You may prefer to wrap the herbs in a layer or two of cheesecloth or gauze to keep them contained.

Cover with a cloth and keep in place for 5 to 20 minutes, then gently dry the area.

Clean the area again, and bandage or cover if appropriate.

  • For A Compress:

Prepare the infusion or decoction of the herbs you’ll be working with and strain.

Soak a cloth in the hot tea, holding it by a dry spot and allowing the cloth to cool in the air until hot but comfortable to the touch.

Lay the wet cloth over the affected area. Cover with a dry cloth

Get comfortable and let it oak in for 20 to 20 minutes.

Clean the area again, and bandage or cover if appropriate.

  • Delivers the medicine where it’s needed.

Poultices and compresses can be used to deliver herbal medicines to areas that are hard to soak. They work quickly for topical issues where internal use would be very slow or ineffective.

  • Soothing and stimulating.

These preparations stimulate local circulation in the skin and underlying tissues, which helps speed healing. At the same time, they relax tension that prevents healthy, fluid movement.

  • Messy.

It’s easy to get herbs or tea all over yourself and your furniture when applying a poultice or compress. Lots of towels and secure wrapping help.

  • Takes Time.

Between preparation and execution, it can take at least 30 minutes to prepare and administer a poultice or compress.

  • Not portable.

Because they are messy and time consuming, poultices and compresses are usually only done at home.

Additional Considerations

Don’t use the same compress cloth twice in one sitting – use a new cloth for each tip into the infusion or decoction. This is most critical when dealing with infected wounds, but make a habit of it in all situations.

You may want to prepare a hot water bottle when setting up your poultice or compress to lay on top and keep the application warm for a longer period of time.

Be sure to clean the affected area both before and after using your compress and especially when using a poultice. Don’t leave any little bits of herbal material on the irritated skin or in the wound.

Source: Herbal Medicine for Beginners

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Through plants, the outer light of the sun and the stars becomes the inner light which reflects back from the foundations of our soul. This is the reason why plants have always and everywhere been considered sacred, divine. ~Storl
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