Making Oxymels and Elixirs

An oxymel is a blend of vinegar and honey. The vinegar releases minerals from the herbs, whereas alcohol really doesn’t, and offers a substitute for those who avoid or don’t want to use alcohol “Plain” oxymel is an ancient remedy that lends particular support to the digestive and respiratory systems.

An elixir, broadly speaking, is a tincture combined with any sweetener. Honey is the preferred sweetener, though occasionally a better choice might be maple syrup, molasses, or even the option of tincturing herbs in a sweet liqueur. For example: Rose petals steeped in St. Germain, an elder flower liqueur.

Administration and Dosage Guidelines

Elixirs and oxymels are generally taken by the dropperful, like tinctures, though they can also be taken in teaspoon or even tablespoon doses, as they are somewhat less potent than straight tinctures.

Shelf Life and Storage Guidelines

Oxymels and elixirs should be stored just like tinctures, in amber or blue glass bottles kept in a cool, dry place. Use flat caps on storage bottles and dropper tops on dose bottles. They’ll keep for 6 to 12 months.

Necessary Tools, Equipment, or Ingredients
  • Alcohol or vinegar
  • Honey
  • Mason jars, various sizes, for maceration
  • Dose and storage bottles
  • Wire mesh strainers
  • Funnels
  • Labels
Preparing Remedies – Step by Step

You can blend tinctures or vinegars you’ve already made with honey (either plain or herb infused) to create your oxymel or elixir, or you can macerate your herbs in the honey and alcohol or honey and vinegar, at the same time.

If you are macerating the herbs in honey and alcohol or vinegar at the same time, proceed as if making a tincture or herb-infused vinegar, but fill the jar only half way with one of these liquids. Then add honey to fill the rest of the way.

Instructions for making tinctures and vinegars are found here:

Close securely and label the jar with the ingredients used, along with the date you started.

Macerate (allow the herbs to infuse in the alcohol or vinegar) for 4 weeks. Shake the bottle every day or so to encourage maximum constituent release. Otherwise, keep in a cool, dark place.

Strain, re-bottle, and re-label making note of ingredients used and the finish date.

  • Effective in small doses. Oxymels and elixirs exert noticeable effects in dropperful and teaspoon amounts.
  • Portable. These are shelf stable and can be easily carried in a pocket or handbag.
  • Good tincture substitute. Oxymels are preferred for those who can’t consume alcohol, can be nearly as potent as tinctures, and extract a broad range of constituents, they’re better than infused vinegar alone.
  • Preparation time. If you’re starting from scratch, it will be 1 month or so before your oxymel or elixir is ready to use.
  • Note: If you are blending premade tinctures, infused vinegars and honeys, this isn’t a problem.
Additional Considerations
  • For Elixirs:

You might use equal parts honey and alcohol as described previously, or you might use as little as 1:3, that is, the final mix will be 1/4 honey and 3/4 alcohol. You could include less honey, but below that ratio you will start to lose the honey’s medicinal contributions.

  • For Oxymels:

Equal parts honey and vinegar is standard, but a 1:5 ratio – 1 part honey and 5 parts vinegar will still get good effects.

Feel free to combine alcohol, vinegar, and honey all in one.

Source: Herbal Medicine for Beginners

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Through plants, the outer light of the sun and the stars becomes the inner light which reflects back from the foundations of our soul. This is the reason why plants have always and everywhere been considered sacred, divine. ~Storl
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