12 Adorable Snapchat Pics
3 day old baby chicks enjoying the warmth from a coffee mug
Baby giraffe loves to smile
Cows will be your friend if you treat them nicely
The look I get when I tell them to quit playing
My friends rat enjoying a movie and some popcorn
His wife is going to deliver soon, he keeps jumping in and out looking at her
This is what happens when you leave your doors open during high tide in San Diego
Caught my shrimp in the middle of a meeting this morning
This albino squirrel comes to our door and begs for corn every day!
Doug is super proud of his first modeling gig
Someone was snoring in front of me on the train, I gave a light kick, and this face turned around and looked at me
Owls and bananas don’t get along
- John: Pop Up Books For Grown Ups
- VO: IMG_0608
- shirleytwofeathers: flip-flop-hooks
- shirleytwofeathers: flip-flop-hooks
- shirleytwofeathers: flip-flop-hooks
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