Know Your Insects
Bambi and Thumper
Whimsical Mermaids
If You’re Ever In A Bad Mood

If you’re ever in a bad mood, just remember when Bob Ross put squirrels in his shirt pocket so they could watch him work in the joy of painting.
Snails In Love?

Here’s a cool collection of amazing photographs of snails that seem to be very interested in each other. Not sure if it’s love or not, but it’s cute and fun, I think.

Kids And Their Critters

Here is a great collection of photographs of children from all over the world, along with the animals they love.

More Cute Koala Pics
‘Holly’ and ‘Bai’yali’ recently moved into a “koala crèche”, at the Taronga Zoo, where the pair has been spotted munching on eucalyptus leaves together and even sharing an occasional nose-rub to the delight of zoo visitors.
“Koalas are known to have poor eyesight, so smelling and hearing is much more important. Nose touching is a Koala greeting and a way for Koalas to determine if they’re encountering a friend or foe,” said Koala Keeper, Laura Jones.
The pairing of one-year-old Holly (whose birthday is Christmas Day) and 15-month-old Bai’yali, is designed to replicate Koala behaviors in the wild. From 12 months onwards, Koala joeys leave their mothers to find their own home ranges.
“We crèche them together so they can grow up and learn natural social behaviors without feeling threatened by the adult Koalas. It’s also nice for the joeys to have a companion while they’re making the big transition away from their mothers,” said Laura.
Laura said the female joeys would remain together for at least another year if they continue to get along.
Luna and the Bearded Dragon
Koopa the Bearded Dragon can’t resist relaxing on Luna’s warm belly.
Luna and the bearded dragon on her hip were both adopted from the same shelter. Now this little blended family spends its time cuddling obsessively.
Via lunaglow
Whimsical White Elephant
A Cat Massage
How cute is this? It’s a Kitty Masseuse!
John: Pop Up Books For Grown Ups
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shirleytwofeathers: flip-flop-hooks
shirleytwofeathers: flip-flop-hooks
shirleytwofeathers: flip-flop-hooks