Nifty Stuff

Marshmallow Sofa Fun

Japanese designer Kei Harada approached the design of a sofa asking the question ‘what shape will naturally invite a person?’ – and from this inquiry, he created the ‘O’keeffe’ sofa. Harada built marshmallow-like elements to allow a user to explore different sitting positions, combining the bulging forms in a calculated fashion for an almost climbable structure. Each organic orb is made from styrofoam covered with two types of urethane foam and a stretchable cloth, all attached to wooden frames that function as joints for each pillow.

Super Cool Wooden Car

Check out this cool little car made of wood.
Pretty nifty!

Let’s take a look inside!

I love the way it looks inside!
Very plush!

But what’s under the hood?
Let’s take a look!

Looks very clean and new!

What else does this cute little car have going for it?

Nice tires.
I wonder what it looks like underneath.

Again, looks very clean and new!

It’s a cute little two seater.
I wonder what’s in the trunk?

I love it!

A Spectacular Flip Flop Collection

Wow! A spectacular collection
of just about anything and everything as a flip flop!
Talk about summer fun!

Here’s a cute little flip flop decorated cake.

A flip flops and pockets colorful and funky shower curtain.

Cure little flip flop table decorations

Great for a beach house… flip flop sink accessories.

How cute, it’s a flip flop bird house!

Flip flop candies in a flip flop box… sweet!

Flip flop cakes… cute.

Flip flop candles?

These are clever… flip flop coasters!

A flip flop pin cushion.

Nifty flip flop photo frames… great for your summer vacation photos!

More flip flop bathroom accessories!

Clever idea… hang your towel, your keys, your swim suit on these handy flip flop hangers.

An ingenious flip flop lighter.

Super cute flip flop lights!

A handy little flip flop key rack.

Clever flip flop place holders or table decorations.

It’s a flip flop rug!

Flip flop key rings are cute

Oh look… flip flop suction cups!

And yet another flip flop coaster set!

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