Monthly Archives: May 2017

Fairy Houses In The Wild

“Do you believe in fairies?
Say quick that you believe. If you believe, clap your hands!”

– James M. Barrie

There is a book called Fairy Houses, written and illustrated by Tracy Kane about the Fairy Houses of Monhegan Island. I thought it might be fun to go out into the woods and build small houses for wild fairies out of natural materials. You could also create one or two wonderful little structures in your own back yard for the sprites who might take refuge there overnight. or even your own back yard, and create some of these wonderful little structures for the amusement of the butterflies, birds, lizards, and, yes, any fairies that may be lingering about.

Here are some photos of the Monhegan Island houses for wild fairies:

Oh, and by the way, if you do happen upon a fairy house in disrepair, please take the time to rebuild it.

Where I’d Rather Live

So beautiful…
if I lived here, I’d have to have a gardener…
…and a landscape and yard work crew!

Wow! I am so in love with this one!

Ooooh, nice… a castle on the hill!

Another castle… you’d need a crew to clean it… but how fun to have so many rooms and places to explore! Family could visit and you’d never even have to see them!

Ahhh… so nice.

Love those turrets! I could live here for sure!

This is nice, well fortified… on the water… Sweet.

I love this too. A villa by the sea. Wouldn’t that be nice?

This is fun… and colorful!

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Where I'd Rather Be
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