Fun With Photography
Amazing Liquid Art
Ant Lives Matter
Ants and Water Drop Macros
Lovin’ Our Treats!
Cute Kids Posing For Dad
Flowers In The Dew
Here is some beautiful macro photography of water drops reflecting flowers. Wow!
Can You See Them?
Supposedly there are eight navy seals hiding in this picture… I can’s spot a single one! Do you see any?
I See Faces!
Seeing faces in ordinary objects is called pareidolia. A study in Finland found that people who are religious or believe strongly in the supernatural are more likely to see faces in lifeless objects and landscapes. Personally, I think the faces are just there whether you’re a believer or not. What do you think?
Aren’t these fun?
Photographs of the Photographer
Beautiful Droplet Macros
Image Credits:
Browse Way Cool Pictures
- John: Pop Up Books For Grown Ups
- VO: IMG_0608
- shirleytwofeathers: flip-flop-hooks
- shirleytwofeathers: flip-flop-hooks
- shirleytwofeathers: flip-flop-hooks