Cool Art
Pillows As Art
Amazing Liquid Art
Medicine Ball Origami
Kusudama Origami originates from ancient Japanese culture, where they were used for incense and potpourri; possibly originally being actual bunches of flowers or herbs. The word itself is a combination of two Japanese words kusuri, Medicine, and tama, Ball. They are now typically used as decorations, or as gifts.
Flowers You Can Eat!
Cuteness In A Cup
Colorful Pie Art
Pie Art Pies!
Hanging Out and Having Fun
More Cute Acorn Characters
Creative Container Gardens
Image Credits:
Browse Way Cool Pictures
John: Pop Up Books For Grown Ups
VO: IMG_0608
shirleytwofeathers: flip-flop-hooks
shirleytwofeathers: flip-flop-hooks
shirleytwofeathers: flip-flop-hooks