Cat Spells For Fertility
Here is a “Cat in the Cradle” ritual spell from Switzerland. Approximately one month after the wedding, visiting friends should bring a tomcat (not neutered) and a cradle to the new couple’s home. The cat is rocked in the cradle before the newlyweds.
- Thai Marital Fertility Spell
In this Thai ritual, during the actual wedding ceremony, an older couple ritually prepares the bedroom so that it will be ready for use by the bride and groom. The room must be spiritually cleansed, protection set up and talismans left behind to radiate good fortune.
Talismans include bags of rice, sesame seeds, coins, and a tomcat (for happiness and fertility). The cat doesn’t have to be a gift, it can be someone’s pet that just hangs out in the room for a little while, emanating energy. The one caveat is that the cat may not be neutered. It defeats the purpose of the spell.
Note: This may be a good opportunity to adopt a stray from a shelter and let it participate in the ceremony prior to neutering.
Found at: Book of Shadows