
To Heal A Cat Wound

To heal a cat after it’s been in a fight, the Romanies recommend that you first light a blue candle. Place your cat on your lap or let the cat find its own comfortable place to lie. Soothe it with loving strokes until it purrs or appears relaxed and comfortable enough to stay put for five or ten minutes.

Close your eyes and pray for a spirit vet to work through your hands. After a few minutes you should feel heat emanating from your palms. You may then feel your hands being guided to various parts of your cat’s body. Direct them to where they are drawn.

Imagine the colors of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple – streaming into the cat.

Finish by thanking the spirit vet who used your hands to channel healing energy. Then say, Kitten scrap scrabble scrap, before giving your cat a kiss to seal the spell.

Found at: Gypsy Magick and Lore

A Cat Healing Chant

To petition Bast (the goddess of cats) for healing of cats, chant the following before her picture/statue while holding an actual picture or mental image of the sick animal:

Lift the hand of disease.
Restore health!

Cast out all illness.
Restore health!

Pour your healing powers through (name of cat).
Bast! Restore Health!

Repeat the chant 5 times, or until you feel it is complete.

Found at: Book of Shadows

The Veil of Isis Cat Spell

If anyone in the home should fall sick, take a crystal bowl filled with well-water and wash the hands and the face of the patient with it. Then, carry it to the garden door, and call for the cat of the household. When she appears, say to her:

Cat spirit, bright as sixpence,
Chase the devil a long long distance.
His soul I hold in these drops of water ~
May he be routed before next moon’s quarter.

Then you must throw the water away onto the garden, so that it passes over the cat but does not fall on her. She will, as likely as not, run away as if in pursuit of some spirit, and for this you must thank her three times over by using her magickal name.

In throwing the water over her to the ground, you have created the magickal veil of Isis, which summons the demon of the illness and draws it away from your loved one so that the cat may carry it away from the house.

Before the next moon’s quarter, that is, before a week has passed away, the one who has fallen sick should be on the mend.

From Catspells

Charm To Mend Broken Bones

To encourage broken bones to heal quickly, and to take away the pain, recite this charm over them after they have been set, all the while stroking a black cat.

Blessings on your skull,
With holy secrets it is full,
Let it smile on these bones
Precious as earth’s stones
Let it bless these bones
And hush your groans,
Let it work the spell
To knit these bones and make them well.
Blessings on your skull
With holy secrets it is full.

Gather a little hair from the cat (let it be loose hair, do not hurt her) and put it in a little white linen bag, which is to be worn around the neck until the bones are well on the mend. Bless the cat with her magickal name.

From Catspells

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“Time spent with a cat is never wasted.”

― Colette

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