
Charm To Mend Broken Bones

To encourage broken bones to heal quickly, and to take away the pain, recite this charm over them after they have been set, all the while stroking a black cat.

Blessings on your skull,
With holy secrets it is full,
Let it smile on these bones
Precious as earth’s stones
Let it bless these bones
And hush your groans,
Let it work the spell
To knit these bones and make them well.
Blessings on your skull
With holy secrets it is full.

Gather a little hair from the cat (let it be loose hair, do not hurt her) and put it in a little white linen bag, which is to be worn around the neck until the bones are well on the mend. Bless the cat with her magickal name.

From Catspells

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“Time spent with a cat is never wasted.”

― Colette

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