Color Me What?

Color Therapy is an alternative style of therapeutic practice that utilizes the vibration and frequency of color to aid in healing. Are you in pain, feeling anxious, or fearful? Here is an exercise to help establish the color therapy protocol you need TODAY:

Sit with your eyes closed and visualize your situation.

Think of a color that soothes what you are feeling. Don’t worry if it takes a couple different examples, it is important to listen to your body and discover what works best for you. What is today’s color?

Take a deep breath and imagine pulling this color throughout your body. When you exhale, imagine the (anxiety, pain, fear, anger) leaving your body. Do this a few times until you to feel a shift in your body and begin to feel better.

Imagine a glass filled with liquid in your chosen color and drinking it down. That color is filling up your body…you begin to feel (calm, safe, happy, and any pain minimizing).

Continue visualizing your chosen color for 3 – 5 minutes. Thank this color and carry its energy with you for the rest of the day.

Remember any color’s energy is available to you whenever it is needed.

From: Balanced Women’s Blog

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Color! What a deep and mysterious language, the language of dreams. ~ Paul Gauguin
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