Brow Chakra

Selenite Third Eye Meditation

Prepare for your Selenite meditation by selecting a piece of Selenite that feels size appropriate for you. Cleanse and bless your crystal, study the shape and layered formation of your crystal. Feel the inclusions that may be present within your crystal.

Sit in an upright position in a quiet dimly lit room. Inhale deeply through your nose and slowly exhale from your mouth. As you inhale, visualize golden/white light energy entering your nose, filling your lungs, chest cavity and heart center. allow tension, stress, frustration to be released, leaving your body through your mouth as you exhale. Continue your deep breathing until you feel relaxed.

Pick up your Selenite, place it in your left hand and place your right hand beneath your left hand and cradle your crystal in your lap. gaze at your Selenite crystal and quietly attune yourself to the glowing white of the crystal. Slowly raise your Selenite crystal to your crown chakra (top of head) allow the white light of the Selenite to penetrate into the crown chakra.

Remove the Selenite from your crown chakra, and place it onto your third eye center for up to 5 minutes. While your Selenite is positioned here, you may repeat a calming affirmation, or you may wish to calmly lay in silence and allow your mind to journey into light-mindedness. You might experience visions of distant lands, conscious channeling, or you might find yourself traveling through the cosmos or conversing with light beings.

Individual results may vary, but for those who are diligent and patient Selenite can open the door to enlightenment beyond measure which is why this is one of my absolute favorite healing crystals to work with.

When you’re ready to end your meditation, slowly count backwards from 10, to 1. when you reach one, remain SEATED and DO NOT open your eyes.

Visualize your feet as being the roots of a large tree, reaching through the floor and sinking deep into mother Earth.

Attune to the Earth, hold this visual of yourself firmly planted and rooted back into the physical plane. Hold this visualization for 3-5 minutes. It is important that we ground ourselves back into the physical plane after our crystal meditations,to allow us feelings of well-being and security.

Once again, slowly count back from ten to one. When you reach one, open your eyes. Breathe deeply several times, inhaling through your nose and out through your mouth you will feel very relaxed, invigorated, and fully grounded back into the third dimension reality.


NEVER cleanse your Selenite with water, this will cause it to erode and weakens the structure of your crystal.

Found at: The Pagan Calendar

Ajna Chakra

The sixth Chakra, Ajna, is in the area of the third eye, which is found in the space between the eyebrows. It encompasses the pituitary gland, eyes, head, and lower part of the brain. An invisible yet powerful third eye, this is your center of intuition. A spiritual Chakra, which means “beyond wisdom,” Ajna leads you to an inner knowledge that will guide you if you let it. An open sixth Chakra can enable clairvoyance, telepathy, lucid dreaming, expanded imagination, and visualization.

The Sixth Sense

Your world is experienced through the five senses. Even before you passed through the womb, you heard noises like your mother’s voice and heartbeat, and listened to muffled sounds outside. You experienced touch, taste, and even perceived light. And since the moment of birth, you’ve attributed your experiences to what you perceive through the senses. You’ve learned to trust your senses in what you can taste, smell, touch, see, and hear. While sense perception is great in life experience, it limits you when it comes to expanding your awareness.

At one time, you had to count on your sense of intuition and inner knowing. Before modern technology, we had to rely on signals from the environment and a more primal instinct to guide us. Just like birds can sense when a tsunami might hit, or squirrels know when it’s time to gather food for the winter, humans too have an intuitive sense. We’ve simply lost touch with it as well as our ability to trust in it.

Feeling Your Way to Intuition

Your physical senses can give you clues as to how to follow your intuition. For example, have you ever had the feeling that a carton of milk was bad? You smell the milk, look at the expiration date that’s still a couple weeks away, and even ask everyone in the house, “Is this milk bad?” Then, not detecting anything concrete, you go ahead and drink it but experience severe stomach pain as a result? That’s because on a very subtle level, your sense of smell detected something wasn’t right and gave you a cue that you doubted.

Here’s another example: you’re making a business deal with someone and everything adds up. The person seems great and honest. But when you shake hands you feel something just isn’t right. When the deal goes through, you find out it was corrupt.

You receive these clues through your senses, but when something isn’t visible you tend to ignore it. The good news is that you can learn to trust these clues and make better decisions based on your intuitive sense. When your decisions turns out right, write them down to reinforce that your intuition guided you in the right direction. Remember that just like the animals in the forest, you too have always had this sixth sense; you simply need to find it again.

Ask Your Inner Knower for Guidance

You can also use your inner sense to ask for guidance to make the right decisions. Taking into account your mind, intellect, and ego, you are now including your soul in the decision making process. Just as you turned to the third Chakra in the area of the solar plexus to guide you with comfort or discomfort, you will pay attention to a hunch or a subtle feeling of moving forward or holding back. If you are conflicted, ask for your sense of intuition to be opened to you in order to help you make the right choice.

How to Balance Ajna

Just like any of the spiritual chakras, Ajna is best balanced through meditation. Often, new meditators will report having a tingling feeling in the third eye or equate it to a headache. A tingling or pulsating sensation around the area of the third eye during or after meditation is a sign that you are opening this blocked Chakra.

A great Pranayama breathing technique is called Brahmari or the bee breath. Bring both hands to your face. Place the two middle fingers over your eyes. Allow the index fingers to rest on the eyebrow line and the pinky fingers under the cheekbones. Close your ears with your thumbs. Take a deep inhalation and exhale the word AUM with the emphasis on the “M” sound while creating a buzzing sound like a bee. Do this for two minutes or more. You can alleviate tension in the head and it works to open the sixth Chakra.

Asanas, Sounds, Colors, and Gems

Any yoga Asana where the forehead is pressed down is a good one for the sixth Chakra. Try child’s pose (Balasana) with your forehead pressed to the floor or a yoga block. Dolphin pose is another helpful pose when you lift the head up to look toward the floor.

The color for the sixth Chakra is indigo and the mantra sound is SHAM. Gems that help open the Ajna Chakra are amethyst, lapis lazuli, and azurite.

Ajna Chakra is the location of the third eye which is the conscience. The two physical eyes see the past and the present, while the third eye reveals the insight of the future. The seed syllable is Aum, or “Pranava Om”, the supreme sound.

  • Number of petals: 2
  • Location: Between the eyebrows
  • Name: Command, authority
  • Plane: Plane of austerity
  • Sound: AUM

When one establishes himself in the place between the eyebrows he goes beyond all the kinds of desires that motivate life and impel one to move in many directions. All experience and ideas serve only to clarify one’s perceptions in Ajna Chakra. The plane of neutrality (Sarasvati) appears as a balance between solar and lunar energy within the body.

Ida (river Ganga, feminine, lunar) and Pingala (river Jamuna, masculine, solar) nerve energies separate from the Sushumna channel at the Muladhara Chakra, intertwine up through all chakras and meet with the Sarasvati, becoming one at Ajna Chakra. This brings the sense of oneness and of unity with the cosmic laws that appear in the plane of austerity. They then again separate, running into the left and right nostrils. Negative and positive, the components of duality, become equalized in Sarasvati, leaving a state of pure music and neutrality. One now becomes one-pointed; he becomes knower of past, present and future.

Ida and Pingala are time-bound; up to the fifth Chakra the yogi also is time bound, but as Ida and Pingala end here, the yogi moves into Sushumna, beyond time. He is now in a state of nondual consciousness. The activation of Ajna Chakra is said to lead to psychic powers (siddhis) such as clairvoyance.

The presiding deity is Ardhanarishvara, the half-male, half-female Shiva-Shakti, symbolic of basic polarity; the right side is male and the left side, female. Ardhanarishvara stands in a lingam known as Itara Lingam. The lingam is shining white, like the color of light. The male half of Ardhanarishvara has camphor-blue skin. He holds a trident in his right hand, representing the three aspects of consciousness: cognition, conation, and affection.

The female side of Ardhanarishvara is pink. She wears a red sari, and about her neck and arms are wound shining golden ornaments. She holds a pink lotus, a symbol of purity. All duality has ceased. Shiva has total command over all aspects of the self in this plane of liberation, or moksha.

The third eye of Shiva is called sva-netra, the organ of clairvoyance. Becoming Sada-Shiva, the eternal one, Shiva is no longer separate from Shakti as a separate male entity. Devata Shiva is the granter of knowledge. This knowledge brings the breath (prana) and the mind under control of Ardhanarishvara.

The energy is Hakini. Hakini Shakti has four arms and six heads. Her skin is pale pink, and her jewelry is golden and shines with gems. Wearing a red sari, she sits on a pink lotus with her left foot raised. She imparts theknowledge of unconditional truth, the awareness of nonduality. In her hands she holds the following objects: Shiva’s damaru drum, which maintains a steady drone and leads the aspirant in his way, a skull, as symbol of detachment, a mala for japa as a centering device. her remaining right hand is posed in the mudra of granting fearlessness.


Third Eye Light Meditation


It is dark. Eyes closed, we lie as if asleep, dreamless, ignorant of all around us. Floating in a sea of emptiness, we are cradled in darkness – unseeing, unknowing, at peace. We breathe slowly, in and out, in and out, stretching and relaxing our bodies as we settle into the warm, peaceful darkness inside. We are home. We are safe. We are deep within ourselves, feeling, hearing, being – but not yet seeing.

Become this darkness – all knowing, yet unknowing, empty and free. Let the dark wash over you, soothe you, as you empty your mind into the infinity of the void, the womb of darkness – the birthplace of our dreams to come.

Somewhere, in the darkness, we hear a sound – a distant note, a voice, a scuffle of movement. We feel the flutter of a breeze upon our face, feel a warmth upon our shoulders, feel the pull to rise and flow and follow but we know not where. Our bodies cannot see and dare not move. They are dark and still.

They call us for direction, wisdom, guidance. They call to intelligence, they call to memory, they call for clarification of the pattern. They call to light.

And afraid to leave the darkness and safety of our ignorance, we hear this call.

We hear this call and our own mind, hungry for answers, quests outward. We long to see, to know, to behold at once the wonders that surround us. To fill our minds with recognition, the certain steps of knowing, the safety and the peace that light, too, can bring.

We open our mind. We open our eyes. We look about.

Images pour forth in myriad kaleidoscopic forms, tumbling inward, pattern upon pattern, endlessly interweaving.

Colors, shapes, and forms reflecting space around us, reflecting back into us, recording life in patterns that our minds can clearly see.

The mind opens and receives.

But there is too much and the light is blinding.

We call to the dark to shade us, to temper, to bind the patterns into meaning. And the dark comes softly, hand in hand and shadow to the light, defining, shading, interweaving, ordering.

The light comes more gently now, rainbow colors, healing, soothing, illuminating, coming at will. Active yellow, healing green, soothing blue, potent violet. All that is alive glows with light. Shape and essence in form revealed for us to see and know.

What do we wish to see? What do we call forth to our inner vision? What does the light bring?

Beauty of a thousand suns, beauty of a single Moon,
patterns of the life we’re leading. all the truth we are perceiving.
Gently now on wings of light, our petals flutter through the night,
Reaching out to worlds beyond, events forthcoming, days long gone.
Holographic matrix net escapes the boundaries by time set.
All the truth can be contained by patterns in the mind retained
Red and yellow, green and blue, interlace in varied hue.
Shape and form, insight revealed, nothing can remain concealed
From inner vision reaching out, seeing truth, removing doubt.
Inside we open, watch and wait, while wisdom’s visions spin our fate.
Illumination shows the way, our inner light turns night to day.
And though the dark shall yet return, we fear it not for we have learned
the way the dark and light combine, letting patterns be defined.

Dark to light and night to day
Within our minds, we light the way.

From: Wheels of Life

The Key of A and the 6th Chakra

110675-glowing-green-neon-icon-alphanumeric-letter-aaThe Key of A is traditionally associated with the Sixth Chakra, or the Third Eye Chakra. The Sixth Chakra is the seat of the essence of clarity, open mindedness and seeing the truth. It is no coincidence that this center is located in the brow, in the “place between the eyes” Indeed, the sixth center is the most famous of all Chakras – the Third Eye.

When the Sixth Chakra is open and free flowing you experience a sense of clarification and let go of judgmental attitudes that produces anger, fear and resentment. Appreciation born of the ability to see things as they truly are tailors your outlook on life.

When the Sixth Chakra is blocked you will often experience feelings of anger, doubt and fear. Judgmental bias or dogmatic attitudes are usually present, states of mind the generally lead to an inability to make commitments. The need for clarification and reassurance is very present when this center is blocked.

Working to open the Sixth Chakra will bring forward an understanding of what it means to see clearly, without the energies of bias and judgment clouding your perspective and influencing your thinking and then your actions.

In this music video, Bob Marley sings “Is This Love?” a reggae tune in the key of A. For classical music in the key of A, see this list of compositions in the key of A.

Or, if you’re feeling adventurous, you could put “Key of A” into a search for music on YouTube and go exploring.

Brow Chakra Basics

chakra6The Brow Chakra, also known as the Third Eye Chakra is the basis for all clairvoyant works. It is a purple or deep indigo blue which emanates from the center of the forehead. It is affected by your beliefs about spirits and your feelings about the past, present, and future of your life.

When this chakra is constricted or out of balance, you may experience: Nightmares, learning difficulties, hallucinations, headaches, poor vision, neurological disturbances, or glaucoma.

This chakra has the ability to see other than the eyes, It is the centre of divine wisdom,intuition (sixth sense). The ancients believed this chakra to be the seat of the soul, it acts like a gateway to knowledge and expanded consciousness. Its here where the spiralling life’s currents meet.

Everything has a positive and a negative, or the yin and the yang, or day verses night, it is here when we meet at that resting place between the two we find a stillness and bliss which is known as shushumna. It is here movement stops and the energy flows towards the sacred light of the divine, as we rest here in this inner space it is a time of great healing where we can clear our negative thoughts from past present and future. We can renew and arise from limitations and ascend towards liberation.

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Surely a man needs a closed place wherein he may strike root and, like the seed, become. But also he needs the great Milky Way above him and the vast sea spaces, though neither stars nor ocean serve his daily needs. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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