Ailuromancy – Divination With Cats

Ailuromancy or aeluromancy , also known as felidomancy, is a form of theriomancy. It is divination using cats’ movements or jumps to predict future events, especially the weather.

Cats have been revered as magical since the time of the ancient Egyptians. One of the most common methods of ailuromancy utilizes the movements and behaviors of a cat to predict upcoming weather patterns.

Weather forecasting With Cats:

  • A cat washing itself is believed to be a forecast of rain.
  • If a cat sneezes it will rain.
  • If the cat turns its tail to a fire or any substituting heat source, it foretells a possible change in weather, particularly the coming of heavy rain or hard frost.
  • If a cat sits with its back to the fire, it is a sure sign of frost.
  • If a cat curls up with its forehead touching the ground, it indicates that storms will happen in the near future.

Other forecasts:

  • To see a cat wash behind its ears is a sign that a visitor will call.
  • If a fisherman’s wife keeps a black cat in her house, her man will return safely from sea.

Gloom and doom:

  • If a cat leaves a house when there is illness within, and will not be coaxed back, the sick person will die.
  • A sick person will die if he or she dreams of cats or sees two cats fighting.
  • If a cat sneezes three times in a row, everyone in the family will come down with a cold.

Your cat may also assist in divination:

Leave a door open and think of a question that can be answered yes or no. Call your cat into the room and notice which paw it first places on the floor. If it is the right forepaw, the answer is yes; if the cat steps with the left, the answer is no.

Borrowed from: Divination

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“Time spent with a cat is never wasted.”

― Colette

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