Numerology 101

Monthly Archives: June 2017

Born on the First

For those born on the first day of any month:


Courage, initiative, and leadership distinguish you. Where executive ability and organizational powers are needed, you go immediately to the fore. You have an active and brilliant mentality, and a highly creative turn of mind.

To follow or obey orders is distasteful to you, and alien to your character. Because you are self-reliant and confident of your abilities, you never hesitate to tackle the more difficult or abstruse of problems.

Your undeveloped characteristic is the ability to cooperate with others willingly because the predominating train in your make-up is your own captaincy. It is well for you to learn to work well with others that you may benefit from the experience as well as improve the impression that you make.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

What Day Were You Born?

Each day of the month has its individual numerical vibration. If you were born on the first, second, or any other date up to the thirty-first, your character is molded to a certain degree by the influence of the number of that date.

How does the number of the day of your birth differ from that of your Life Cycle, or Destiny number? The Life Cycle number is the essential, indestructible individuality. The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Self-understanding is the key to cosmic power within you. See yourself as others see you, by reading the interpretation of the number of the day of the month you were born.

Remember that the date is for your birth DAY only, the month you were born is not a part of this calculation. Study this portrait of yourself as others see you so that you may develop your greatest possibilities.

To find the meanings of each individual day, you can either browse Influential Numbers, or use this quick list with links to the interpretations for each birth DAY number:

1  *  2  *  3  *  4  *  5  *  6  *  7  *  8  *  9  *  10  *  11  *  12  *  13  *  14  *  15  *  16  *  17  *  18  *  19  *  20  *  21  *  22  *  23  *  24  *  25  *  26  *  27  *  28  *  29  *  30  *  31

Ancient and Biblical Connotations

From the early days when Numerology was taking root until the present time, a whole tradition has grown up regarding the interpretation of numbers. This is an overview of the ancient and biblical connotations of the basic numbers:


According to all occult interpretations, this number is the symbol of the cosmos, or of the deity; that it would take an infinite number of steps to evaluate this ratio only leads power to this occult interpretation, for the infinite, too, is an attribute of God.


A material principle, according to Pythagoras. The second day of the second month of the year was sacred to Pluto, and so was considered to be unfortunate.


A perfect number according to the ancients, expressive of beginning, middle, and end. Roman mythology ascribed the rule of the world to three gods: Jupiter, Neptune, and Pluto. Jupiter holds the three-forked lightening, Neptune wields the three pronged trident, and Pluto employs the three-headed dog.


The number of letters in the word Lord, (for God), is the same in countless ancient and modern languages. For example, there are four letters for this word in Deus (Latin), Dieu (French), Adat (Assyrian), Godt (Dutch), Gott (German), Godh (Danish), Soru (Persian); and so on, in Greek, Hebrew, Swedish, Cabalistic, Egyptian, Sanskrit, and many others.


This is the pentad, or great mystic number, because it is the sum of adding two (the first even number) and three (the first odd number) together. All the powers of nature are contained within this number since 1 is unity, 2 diversity, and 3 their compound, and so by addition it equals all the principles in operation.


“Six is the perfect number in itself, and not because God created all things in six days; rather the inverse is true; God created all things in six days because this number is perfect, and it would remain perfect even if the work of the six days did not exist.” ~St Augustine.


This was considered a holy number, for there are seven days in creation, seven days in the week, and seven phases of the Moon. In the Bible, Pharaoh saw seven kine and seven ears of corn in his dream, and also “For seven days seven priests with seven trumpets invested Jericho, and on the seventh day they encompassed the city seven times.”


The number of the beatitudes in the Book of Matthew. Eight symbolizes man’s resurrection. After the six days of creation, and the seventh day of rest, the eighth day promises a new and better life in the world to come. Eight also symbolizes survival as, according to the Bible, eight people were saved in Noah’s Ark. It is also the symbol of the sign of opposition.


A mystical number, being three times three, and so it is the perfect plural. It represents perfection or completion. The fact that human pregnancy lasts nine months clearly demonstrates the potency and power of this number.

Source: Modern Numerology

Nine – The Metaphysician

If you have a Life Cycle Number of Nine, you are The Metaphysician.

  • To calculate your Life Cycle Number go here.

The highest aspirations and the noblest ideals are your cosmic heritage. Yours is a life of interest in the search for the mysteries behind the veil, and the meaning of psychic and occult experiences. Service is the keynote of your career, for you fully understand that what one does for others, generally and particularly, is the building of the greatest treasure for one’s self. All experience is encompassed in the time you have to spend upon this planet, for your Life Cycle is one of the all-inclusive.

You know that love is a greater experience than can be limited to one person or one family or one group. Generosity and perfection are your everlasting goals, and you attempt to reach them through the practice of the divine and occult arts. You understand the great silences, the periods of meditation needed for development, and the need to go into “thy closet and pray.”

An extreme sensitivity makes you respond to people, atmosphere, environment, color, voices, and music. Extended to other planes, this trait makes you perceptive and receptive to psychic phenomena. You tend to vacillate between the heights and depths of ecstasy and sadness in your barometer-like reaction to outward circumstances. With the increase in your knowledge of philosophy and occultism, this tendency should vanish into thin air.

Liberty and freedom are your heralds, and you desire to travel upon the path of life unshackled by the impediments of wealth and possessions, knowing that he travels fastest who travels light. In some capacity, you are in touch with the public, or in the public eye, as lecturer, or entertainer, or orator. Your life will be full, and its years should be plenty.

Source: Modern Numerology

Eight – The Gleaner

If you have a Life Cycle Number of Eight, you are The Gleaner.

  • To calculate your Life Cycle Number go here.

The harvest of study, organizational ability, and the qualities of an executive are yours. You have the traits of efficiency and capability at your command, and with them you can carve out a life of prosperity, happiness, and good works. You understand human nature, sympathize with its weaknesses, and are willing to make a career of lending your efforts to the improvement of the lot of mankind.

The cloak of authority is yours, and you seek to use it in an executive capacity in whatever field of endeavor you enter. The larger the group with which you affiliate yourself, the greater will be your accomplishments and rewards. Industry, corporate affairs, and philanthropic organizations can well use your directorial and managerial abilities.

Because you lead what Teddy Roosevelt called “the strenuous life,” you drive yourself hard, and may tend to be dictatorial with others. It is well for you to learn the lesson that efficient management of one’s energy is as necessary as the efficient expenditure of one’s cash – in other words, get the most out of your investment.

Courage distinguishes you, and your ideal is to see that you and everyone else enjoys freedom of action. You understand the laws of discipline and discrimination, and therefore should “brake” the great destructive force which lies like a sleeping tiger in the inner recess of your personality.

Much of your life is concentrated on the material plane and therefore your highest expression can be achieved by putting your strongest efforts into dealing with the practical advancement of mankind

Source: Modern Numerology

8 by 8 Magic Square
Benjamin Franklin invented this 8x8 magic square in his spare time. It has a magic constant of 260. Please pause for a moment and reflect on the fact that this magic square was constructed over 200 years ago, before computers and calculators.
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