Numerology 101

Monthly Archives: June 2017

Born on the Eleventh

For those born on the eleventh day of any month:

You have an unusually magnetic personality, since the number 11 is considered a master-power number. Your intuition is highly developed, and you are inspired by high ideals. Electric power almost vibrates from your personal magnetism, and you are generally the master of every situation.

Executive ability is prominent in your make-up, and your mind is creative, original, and alert. You seek to shield those you love, and you like the role of the provider.

You value prestige above all things, but because you are sensitive at heart, you are easily wounded. You must learn that the arrows of fortune must sometimes pierce the armor, and everyone has to take as well as give.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Tenth

For those born on the tenth day of any month.

In olden times you might have been an alchemist, because your greatest power is to transmute from one form to another. All forms of change, conversion, and transmutation are your fields of activity.

You supply the mental power, agility, and energy to take the river and make it a dynamo. You are the executive in your personality, and can lead to victory where others fear to tread. Creative originality is yours, and you enjoy tackling a good hard problem.

You have a strong protective instinct, and though you are positive about everything, you do not mean to do any harm. You should take care not to become overbearing, for the prestige you now command might suffer if you did.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Ninth

For those born on the ninth day of any month:

You are the personification of sympathy and wide understanding. Your vistas are grand, for life to you is as a dome of many colored glass, encompassing all kinds and forms of experience. The harsh, the cruel, the ecstatic, and the rapturous – all float within your ken.

You have an unusual psychic sense, and are inclined to have occult experiences that fill you with new knowledge until, at the end of the road of experience, you have at your command the wisdom of ages.

You are a very quick study in the sense that music, art, and literature are all grist to your mill; you grasp their meaning and see their beauty with hardly a conscious effort.

Travel will broaden your outlook, and should play an important role in your life. You will cover vast distances, by whatever mode you travel, and the road will eventually lead to tolerance, sympathy , and a universal love.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Eighth

For those born on the eighth day of any month:

You are the personification of the executive branch of the government of life. The organization of the many departments of life needs power, force, strength – and those you possess to a strongly marked degree. You have the ability to handle all material affairs with great ease, and you specialize in the careful, honest, and efficient manipulation of money matters.

When others need help they turn to you, for you have a deep understanding of the problems of other people, and a deep insight into the cause of their troubles. You are never selfish with your advice or your help. As the head of any large organization, you can lead it toward the accomplishment of its aims, whether they be philanthropic, commercial, or social.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Seventh

For those born on the seventh day of any month.


You have a quiet and unobtrusive nature. More interested in the subtle than the brash phrases and phenomena of life, you give the impression of being serious and studious.

Not many people really know the essential you, for you do not wear your heart on your sleeve, or make a vulgar display of your feelings. You are more interested in mystical and philosophical concepts than in material events or practical matters.

You have a deep interest in all that is artistic, and form and composition have a meaning for you that few others gather as quickly as you do. You appreciate the various languages that beauty speaks, and might well be a critic of the plastic, dynamic, and social arts.

You may be inclined to be somewhat too introspective for a world of crass immateriality, but the Creator knows that the world must have its creative dreamers, too.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Sixth

For those born on the sixth day of any month:

Your entire existence is a series of progressive steps, for every experience you have is an embodiment of the law of education. You learn at every step, and each one advances you in wisdom, character, and depth of personality.

You are deeply attached to your family and home, and one of your fondest dreams is to make every one of your loved ones happy, You willingly accept the responsibilities that are placed upon you, and there are indeed many of them, for, recognizing your sterling qualities and willingness, others are not loathe to place the burdens of domesticity upon you.

Order and harmony are the passwords of your philosophy of life. To establish these two and then to balance them is your aspiration. It is your belief that love can conquer all, and faith in that ruling passion will surely reward you.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Fifth

For those born on the fifth day of any month:

You are mercurial by nature, loving change and variety, and possessing a versatility surpassed by none. The use of words is your natural talent, and you surpass all others in fields where oratory, vocabulary, and the human voice are requisite.

Everything you do is characterized by speed, efficiency, and determination. You are volatile as anything in nature, and race through experience after experience, gathering the beauty and kernel of each to add to the wisdom with which you have been endowed.Nothing can keep you rooted to a single spot, for you must travel far and wide to be happy, and you must travel fast.

Keen wit characterizes you, and sometimes you are cutting in your use of it. You can become very distinguished through your talents by applying the brakes when you come to the rough spots on the road of life.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Fourth

For those born on the fourth day of any month:

You have a well earned reputation for being thoroughly reliable and trustworthy. In symbolical language, you are like Peter, the rock upon which the Master built. You are the cosmic mason, the builder who erects the cornerstone and lays the foundations

Your life is an active and creative one, for you are always busy with work that will advance the world, and promote good will among men. You are very practical in your outlook and succeed brilliantly where success depends upon the handling of material things and affairs.

Because you never dodge work, you finish what must be done – and right on schedule.

Limited to a certain extent by the activity in your program of life, you must bear in mind the symbol of the number 4, which is the square. It stands for all that is righteous and just in life. It may bound you materially, but within the square of equity you can always rise to great heights.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Third

For those born on the third day of any month.

Popularity and contact with large numbers of people occupy your time to a very great extent, for your birthday is significant of dealings with the masses and being in the public eye in some capacity. Cleverness and natural charm bring a lot of friends to you, and you are the center of every group’s attention.You make every effort to be charming for you enjoy the company of other people.

You are very versatile – to the extent of sometimes being puzzled as to what form of expression your talents should take. You are, for this reason, somewhat inclined to scatter your talents, and should learn that specialization in a single field of your choice will bring greater rewards than dabbling in many.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Second

For those born on the second day of any month:

You are an excellent helpmate, a perfect partner, and the personification of all that is sought in a collaborator. Your role in the play of life is that of the executor of the plans and projects instituted or originated by others. This does not mean that you lack originality, but that your originality lies in the direction of making ways and means to carry out the blue-print or design made by someone else

You are affectionate by nature, and never hesitate to show your feelings. In every way, you are considerate, unselfish and always thoughtful of the feelings and wishes of others.

Although you are not in the least wishy-washy, you may give that impression because you are so helpful. Your lesson is to avoid letting others take advantage of your good nature.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

8 by 8 Magic Square
Benjamin Franklin invented this 8x8 magic square in his spare time. It has a magic constant of 260. Please pause for a moment and reflect on the fact that this magic square was constructed over 200 years ago, before computers and calculators.
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