What’s New

Exploring with Jurgen Ziewe

Today I was talking to my sister, and she told me about someone she had been listening to and found interesting. I checked his website, and looked a a couple of YouTube videos, and yes. She was right. He is interesting. I have so far shared his thoughts about meditation here:

And then, I went exploring and looked at his art, and found a virtual reality video that was really cool. Here are those links:

So, now I have to pull myself back to reality and get some stuff done in this dimension, and engage in my real life in the here and now. Enjoy!

This Morning

An interesting journey this morning. I checked my email, and saw a Yogi Berra quote that I loved. I decided to post it but I needed to find a good picture to illustrate it. Which led me to a bunch of cool hidden faces, and then somehow I ended up at a whimsical Japanese Temple.

Then, and I have no idea where this came from, I ended up with an X rated latte and a bail out, which is a clever little animated gif on which I spent hours and hours of google searches only to find out that there was no decent size copy of it.

So, there you have it. My morning in a nut shell. LOL.

Another Sleepless Night

I couldn’t sleep tonight, so I got up and started working on moving posts from the old Feathers and Bones blogger blog. Some of the posts are ending up on the new and improved Feathers and Bones, and others will be found scattered here and there.

Ok… so now it’s time to stop and actually go back to bed. I hope you find something interesting and useful!

It’s Been A While

I have been busy with creative projects and family stuff, so there hasn’t been much time spent on the website. I did wrap up the Prosperity Project. Here are the links:

This morning, I have also posted a couple of things on Feathers and Bones:

And then, last, but definitely the best, here is something really cool that I posted over on Widdershins:


Internet Issues and Other Stuff

It’s been several days since I’ve posted anything here at site news because the battery to my mobile broadband device went bad, and the only way to replace it was to get a whole new device from Sprint. So that whole ordeal took a while, and because I live out in the middle of nowhere, mobile broadband is my only access to the internet.


I did have some posts pre-scheduled over at The Prosperity Project, and they published as planned. Here’s the list, in case you are interested:

Note: Some of these were posted already on different mini-sites, and you may have seen them already.

People who know me were wondering what the heck I was going to do without access to my obsession (this website), and that’s because they underestimated the power of Red Bubble and my graphics programs.

So just what did I do with all that extra time on my hands? Not household chores… never that! I made a bunch of new stuff for my Red Bubble shop. Wanna see it? Here ya go! Oh, and by the way, each image is linked to the Red Bubble page where it can be found…  Enjoy!

And of course, I had to make mandalas.

Which took me down the path to… patterns… I love making patterns…

And these are just the ones that I uploaded to Red Bubble. There is a file folder full of all the ones I haven’t had time to finish up.

What does this all mean for the website? Well, it means that pretty soon I am going to be uploading a bunch of new graphics to my little Graffix site. It’s just a matter of getting them sized appropriately, and the time to do it. Plus, of course, I will be making a bunch more background textures in smaller sizes when I do that, because I can’t ever have enough seamless backgrounds in my graphics bank.

For Today We Have…

For today, we have not very much. This is because I am back to work at my “real” job, and not much time for working on the website. I do, however, have a couple of things.

Over on Alternative Therapies, I posted SunGazing, this same post will be coming up next week on The Prosperity Project.

And then I found some music that I really liked. I put the YouTube videos on Hey It’s Me so that I’d remember them next time I get on Amazon and spend a bunch of money. I love how different they are from each other.

And then I decided that it was getting really late, and high time to get off line, and chill my brain with an episode of Kill Joys, and go to bed.

Up And Running

Now that the website is up and running properly again, I’ve been working to finish up The Prosperity Project and getting the rest of it pre-scheduled, and (because I can) I am sharing them in advance on the little mini sites where they would be most appropriate.

Those sites, so far, include the Book of Shadows, Magickal Ingredients, and Meditation.

And when I went on an image search to illustrate this post, I found a wonderful collection of disasters depicted by a Guatemalan artist. You can find them over at More Cool Pictures.

Heading In

Today is off to a slow start because I can’t figure out where to go from here. I finally decided to start with some great quotes that I found yesterday, you will find them scattered around on various little sites, which are also worth exploring:

Then, because I could actually spend weeks uploading quotes, I am totally changing direction and putting up some information about Flower Essences:

Wow! The flower essence information took forever to research and post. So now what? Two people liked the Mandala Madness Facebook page today, so maybe some mandala stuff is in order:

Oh, and there is this Light Body Meditation also. Geez Louise! Looks like I posted a bunch of stuff on the website!


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I Wonder
“What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” — Robert Schuller

I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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