Numerology 101

Daily Archives: June 14, 2017

Born on the Twenty-first

For those born on the twenty-first day of any month:

You are considered lucky because you have good fortune, an interesting personality, and a magnetic way about you. While you think for yourself, you are not unmindful of the help others need, and you cooperate.

The lighter and glittering side of life appeals to you, and you are the center of the social circle. You like many people, and you are popular with both sexes. Your talents are numerous, and you know how to fit into every sphere in business, home, and socially.

Don’t fritter away the gifts with which you have been endowed. Learn so there will be vitality left to accomplish your own purposes.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Twentieth

For those born on the twentieth day of any month:

What you do is done with a will, for you have reached a stage of inner development, that is the privilege of few to attain. You are sought out by others to give of yourself – in every sense – out of soul, spirit, mentality, and purse. You answer each call for help willingly, for such is your nature.

When the Creator of Universal Law wants his edicts fulfilled, you are the executive branch of the domain. You are warm-hearted, affectionate, and loyal. No contingency finds you unprepared.

You must beware not to devote all your efforts to the welfare of others. In the course of events, you may require the energy and talents you have disbursed on others; conserve them for your own good.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Nineteenth

For those born on the nineteenth day of any month:

Your symbol is the ever turning wheel from creation to completion, and therefore you have experiences of every kind which widen your perceptions and enhance your wisdom. The everlasting emotions of the human race course through your temperament – love, hate, self preservation.

You are very expressive and positive in word, act, and feeling. Fortune follows you, but as adventure beckons, you are likely to pick up and travel on to other pastures.

This is your lesson: to learn to let the benefits accrue so that the uncertainties of life will never leave you high or dry.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Eighteenth

For those born on the eighteenth day of any month:

You can run the gamut of emotions and of intellectual qualities. You can combine the spiritual, creative, and material in your nature, and might be said to be “all things to all men.” Your understanding is inclusive, and no side of life holds either shock or a surprise for you.

In money matters you display a keen analytical ability. As the treasurer of the funds of others you make an ideal trustee. You demonstrate power in the affairs of men and direct the tides of destiny.

Your depth of comprehension may tend to make you lax in the ways of the world. Since your own ideals are so high, you should take steps never to lose sight of them in order to remain your best self.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Seventeenth

For those born on the seventeenth day of any month:

You have ambition, courage and vitality. When you extend your best efforts, there is almost nothing of which you are not capable. Success comes to you through your own ideas and clever way of presenting them to the market-place of the world.

You are fortunate in being able to repose and find satisfaction in “inner understanding” and being able to get along with the rest of the world, too. Your mentality and energy put you in the foreground of any field you choose to enter.

Your own timidity may sometimes shock you. This is because you are used to leadership, and sometimes lose sight of the fact that deep within, you are a sensitive human being. However, never lose sight of this core – the best that is in you.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Sixteenth

For those born on the sixteenth day of any month:

You are clever, alert, and intellectual. Because of the power you have to penetrate the walls of ignorance or abstruse problems, you are inclined to be impatient with dullness.

To dominate the scene is no unique experience for you, but you are modest and do not revel in showing off your strength. The subtler things in life appeal to you. On the light side you choose detective stories; on the heavy side you find an interest in all things mystic.

You have a great magnetism for people, but you are not too quick to part with your affections.

You should learn to relax with the lighter pleasures of the mind and spirit. Too much concentration inclines you to depression which you must avoid.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

Born on the Fifteenth

For those born on the fifteenth day of any month:

Your home, family, and friends form a circle of affectionate ties which bind you, but in no sense distress you. You have the ability to bear the burden, and the willingness to do it.

Matters of education, law, and domesticity are your particular interests. You can be a leader in public speaking, lecturing, and in writing and radio work. Your original ideas in these fields of endeavor can bring you success. Beauty in its various forms appeals to you, and in your way, you are a connoisseur.

Too deep a sense of obligation can woo you from looking out for your own welfare. You so willingly help others that your unselfishness can minimize your potentialities. Be kind, but not over-indulgent.

Born on a different day? Go here: What Day Were You Born

Note: The number of the day of your birth represents you as the world sees you. It is the numerological equivalent of the astrological ascendant or rising sign.

Source: Modern Numerology

8 by 8 Magic Square
Benjamin Franklin invented this 8x8 magic square in his spare time. It has a magic constant of 260. Please pause for a moment and reflect on the fact that this magic square was constructed over 200 years ago, before computers and calculators.
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