
Great News!


The spam issue has been resolved and comments are once again enabled. I’d love it if you’d take the time to leave a comment, even just a word or two, so that I can test to see if it’s working properly for “real people.”

Drastic Action

I had to take some drastic action due to the ridiculous amount of spam comments I suddenly started getting today. On The Prosperity Project, the count was up to 1286 comments … and the comments were coming in faster than I could delete them. I tried a couple of spam blockers, one of them temporarily broke the site… SIGH… so, just for now, the comments have been disabled completely. I need some time to figure out what to do, and how to handle it. Anyway… comments can be left on our facebook pages…

Here are the links:

Love to all, and bright blessings!

Something New!

The Spirituality page has been upgraded and we now have three new mini-sites open for exploration. If you’re interested, go check them out!

I still have quite a bit more that I’m wanting to put here, but there just aren’t enough hours in the day. Still to come are: Gospel Missionary Message, Loving Ganesh, and maybe one or two more. If only there were 3 of me… but sadly, I have not figured out how to accomplish that one!


Not Enough


So, either there are not enough hours in my day, not enough days off in my week, or not enough of me to go around. I have been working so hard on the website. It probably adds up to more than a 40 hr week, and I’m still not anywhere near to catching up with myself!

Between the Prosperity Project and the Magick and Mystery mini-sites … well … talk about biting off more than I can chew!! I spent all day today working on getting ahead of the Project posts so that tomorrow I can maybe get the March Pagan Calendar under control.

So, to those of you who are wanting to see more going on in the Inspiration and Insight section, Healing Outside the Box, or the Fun Stuff pages … I’m getting there. I really am. I’ve even gotten a little bit of a start on the Spirituality mini-sites.

Anyway… I’m just checking in to say that yes, eventually every single spot on this website will be filled with totally cool content. Every single unfinished page will be finished.

Going Deep


We’ve got a new project going on over at The Prosperity Project, and we’re going deep. Exploring our self image, our strengths, weaknesses, resistances, motivations, secret fears, and basically finding out who we are and what we have to work with so that we can lay the groundwork for lives that we enjoy living in. You’re welcome to join us.

Because I have been working hard on the Project, and love spells for Valentine’s Day, plus my regular job, and real life, I haven’t had the time to add much to the other little sites. If only there were four or five of me… anyway… remains a work in progress with way more to come.


Playing Catchup


Wowsers! I had hoped that by this time I would have the site map completely updated, plenty of new content on all the little mini sites, the Pagan Calendar loaded for January with a good start on February, The Prosperity Project ready for a mega upload of old content from the original blog, and ….

That has not happened.

I think I must have been way too ambitious in my goal setting, because I have had plenty of time off work due to nasty weather, and I have been working my fingers to the bone uploading all kinds of new content. One memorable day I think I put up more than 30 new posts! That’s ALOT!

And yet, I feel like I’m just treading water trying to keep up with it all. So this is what I have accomplished so far:

  1. About half of the sites are updated on the site map and have at least some new content.
  2. The Violet Flame experiment at The Prosperity Project is coming along nicely – we’re half way through our first project in 5 years, and inspite of a daily influx of spam comments, all is well there.
  3. I’ve been keeping maybe 1 or 2 days ahead of the Pagan Calendar… Geez… those pagans celebrate something every day… sometimes several things in one day…
  4. I posted everything there was to post about my journey with The Lord of the Rings on Hey It’s Me. Some of it is personal, some of it is dumb, and some of it is interesting… take a look if you’re interested.
  5. I got 2 new herbs up at the Encyclopedia of Herbology. And that was a big accomplishment because I research like crazy in an attempt to get EVERYTHING there is to know about each herb posted, and at the same time I post recipes and cures on the other two related sites.

So… that’s what’s been going on behind the scenes. Thanks for reading this. I do hope you enjoy your visit to my little pocket of madness on the world wide web.


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I Wonder
“What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” — Robert Schuller

I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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