
Weave A Round Rug

Pretty cute, huh? It’s not hard to make. Here are some pics that show how rugs like this can be made. It looks like a hula hoop is used as the frame. The fabric strips are cut from old T-shirts, but any fabric can be used.

This may not be as easy as it looks. If you weave it too tightly, or if you use stretchy fabrics in strips that are too narrow, you may end up with a sort of limp basket. I found a post about this and a cute picture of a hula hoop rug fail. Here’s the link Project Hula Hoop Rug Fail and a pic:

I did find success story pics though, so I think it’s a matter of making sure that the weave isn’t too tight, and that the cross pieces are sturdy and thick. I think old towels might lend themselves to a project like this as well. Be interesting to try. Here are more pics:

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Everybody born comes from the Creator trailing wisps of glory.
~Maya Angelou

Be Merry

I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!
