doing good

Newsy News


So, the news today is good! I have several of the healing pages finished and accessible from the main Healing Outside The Box page. There are still a few more to do, but it’s a good start. Today I will be adding Twofeathers Reiki to the main page and linking it to the other related mini sites.

Here’s a quick link list of all the healing sites currently up and running:

I have also added content to the following mini sites:

That might be all… I may have missed a few. It’s been crazy busy inside my head! I do hope you enjoy this website and find the content helpful and interesting!


A Sneak Peek


I have been working really hard behind the scenes getting the pages and mini sites ready to upload to the Healing section here at So far, I have 5 that are almost ready and I’m so excited about them, that I’m posting the links here for anyone who wants to take a look. Just remember that they are still works in progress and not quite ready for publication.

  • Chakra Central – It’s all about the Chakras, what they are, how to balance them, and keep them fine tuned and working at optimum.
  • Color Therapy – Wow… I love color! Color therapy is an easy way to tweak your life experience through the use of specific colors for specific purposes… very cool!
  • Eating To Live – I’ve been obsessing so much about getting the website full of content that I’m forgetting to eat, so I thought it might be a good idea to put some focus on something healthy and good.
  • Encyclopedia of Herbology – This idea has been rolling around in the back of my mind for a super long time. I’m thinking of it as a good way for me to personally because I’ve always wanted to learn herbology. It’s moving along kind of slow because I am really packing a lot of information into each of the individual posts.
  • Folk Medicine Remedies and Cures – So much fun. And it’s very interesting. Of course not all the cures are effective, some are downright dangerous, but a surprising number of them are easy and do actually work. Check it out!

And, of course, if you do check them out and find something that is confusing or not quite right, please leave a comment and let me know so I can clarify or fix it.

Bright Blessings!

Wild and Widdershining


I just want to say that keeping up with a gagillion little mini- sites isn’t as easy as I’d hoped, however, it sure makes for an exciting ride! And then today I suddenly realized that more than one person actually does visit this website. Yikes! So now the pressure is really on. I have so much content that I’m excited about getting up and posted… and not nearly enough time to do it.


So. I do have a new mini- site that I just finished today, and uploaded content to, and updated all the related sites… so go check it out. I can’t wait to fill it up because I think it’s going to be really interesting. Here’s the link: Widdershins. It’s going to be a home for fairy tales, stories, poetry, quotes, song lyrics, myths, and whatever else fits into the category of cool magickal stuff to read and share.

Also, I discovered that lots of the links in the site map were just wrong… which means that the links in the original site map were messed up… so I fixed that. And I updated the links in the sidebars of the main pages. So that’s what’s going on as of this moment. And if I could find a way to stop time and tap into unlimited energy – well – you’d wake up in the morning and this entire website would be … well… WOW!

Ghost Hugs


If you are here, reading this post… wow… hugs from me for sure!

And the news thus far is as follows: I finally have all the templates done for the Magick section of this site. They look really good, and now I just need to go through each one and get them organized and loaded with some content. I can’t wait to get them up and viewable. As soon as I have something worth seeing, I’ll share the links and get them active on the site. Here’s a list of what I’ve been working on and obsessing over for the last 2 weeks:

  • Gypsy Magick and Lore
  • Pagan Calendar
  • Book of Shadows
  • Divination

Along with them we’ll have these brand new pages:

  • Magickal Apothecary – recipes for potions, powders, elixirs, potpourri, oil blends, and lots more
  • Magickal Ingredients – an encyclopedia of magickal ingredients
  • Powers that Be – Gods, Goddesses, Angels, Demons, Elemental Spirits, Totem Animals, Guardian Spirits and more.

Just A Note

Starting_to_sew_a_quilt sizedReworking this website is like making a patchwork quilt out of a whole bunch of different fabrics, and trying to piece it all together in a coherent whole, without leaving actual holes anywhere, all the while not really knowing how to sew, and having to do it all by hand…

I did, however, update the site map. 🙂

My Personal Blog Up and Running


I’ve got something new, and it’s ready to be seen!  It’s my personal blog, here’s a link: Hey It’s Me. It’s going to be a lot of fun, and I already have a fun new feature on it. The Plumber Dude is open and ready to answer any how-to or fix-it question you might have.  Go check it out. Leave a comment if you like what you see.

Unfortunately, this is the only place on the site (as of right now) where the new blog can be accessed because I am still having issues with the main menu on the site, I haven’t succeeded in figuring out how to add the wordpress links without having to edit every single nav bar on the site – which would be a pain in the ass, but ok, except for the fact that when I edit them, they change color and won’t change back because I’m so clueless about the CSS styling.

Day 7

pandorasboxopenIt’s been a week since I opened the Pandora’s Box also known as “totally change the website so it’s easier for me to get it done.” And so far, I have moved up a few points on the steep learning curve that is a WordPress Multisite, and I’m feeling more and more confident about my abilities to make custom templates for each of the new blogs that will begin to replace somewhat busy but basically cool static content.

There is still a lot to be done, and I’m hoping that my site news feed on the front page is looking alright.

My biggest issue right now is getting the site news blog (this one) tweaked to my satisfaction, so that I can move on to the more interesting ones. When I get it how I want it, I’ll add it to the main menu, and post a short update.

Of course, then I will have to do the tedious work of updating all the main menus on every page that it will eventually matter. I’m not planning to update the pages that will be converted to blog format because it would take me forever (which is one of the main reasons why I’m switching things around).


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I Wonder
“What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” — Robert Schuller

I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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