Feeling Discouraged

I really shouldn’t ever look at my stat counter reports because it always discourages me, especially when I know I have uploaded some really cool stuff, and nobody sees it. And then when page views go down… well… sigh…

And I keep telling myself that it really doesn’t matter, because I enjoy my website, I like how it challenges me to learn about all kinds of different stuff, and it gives me an easy way to save and share ideas and insights with family and friends.

Plus, it’s a complicated site, and not really in sync with the way things are normally done, so there’s that….

Also, there’s the Google thing. Google pretty much determines who sees what, and what gets seen when a person does a search. Their algorithms are tweaked to benefit Google’s bank account. And my website doesn’t do Google any financial favors. We are ad free. So there’s that!

So that’s my rant for the day. And now on to the posting of stuff that I have uploaded today:

This is a hot mess of a list. Most of the posts are random stuff that I wanted to clear out of folders because I am tired of looking at them. They can be found at More Cool Pictures, and Totally Random.

The Hawaiian Healing Technique is pretty interesting if you have never heard of Ho’oponopono. The 20 Ways To Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity is a fun read. I might even try a couple of the things on the list. The Sign Of Purification post is a Native American Prophecy which you might find interesting.

Things I Remember really got to me. It’s what I remember about my childhood, and brought up a lot of old emotions. So, now I’m feeling done with the internet and ready for a some fresh air and a nap… or maybe just a nap.

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I Wonder
“What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” — Robert Schuller

I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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