Knowledge Through Experience
The Knowledge of Creative Intelligence through personal
Main Points:
A. The existence of Creative Intelligence is obvious.
B. The existence of Creative Intelligence is confirmed on two
1 - Intellectual understanding
2 - Direct experience
C. The nature of Creative Intelligence is confirmed on two levels
1 - Unmanifest
2 - Manifest
D. Manifest nature of Creative Intelligence is confirmed as
integrative, progressive, etc.
E. The progressive and integrative nature of Creative Intelligence
develops Cosmic Consciousness in the individual awareness.
F. The practical value of the experience of Creative Intelligence in
daily life is:
1 - Release of stress
2 - Efficiency of action
3 - Greater achievement
4 - Fulfillment
Questions and Answers:
Q: What are two ways of authenticating the existance of
intelligence at every level of creation?
A: Understanding and Experience
Q: What aspect of Creative Intelligence is revealed by inward and
what by the outward stroke of Transcendental Meditation?
A: Inward - unmanifest dynamism; Outward - manifest dynamism.
Q: What is the first quality of Creative Intelligence that the mind
comes upon in Transcendental Meditation.
A: Rest.
Q: Where does the cumulative growth of Creative Intelligence
within us brought about by the regular practice of Transcendental
Meditation lead us?
A: Cosmic Consciousness
Q: What is the function of Creative Intelligence in cosmic life?
A: It guides the destiny and growth of every thing in creation.
Q: How can it be shown that restful alertness gained in
Transcendental Meditation is the basis of fulfillment?
A: Thought is the basis of action. Action is the basis of
achievement. Achievement is the basis of fulfillment. So, as our
thoughts become clearer, our actions become more effective.
Thus, our achievements will be greater and fulfillment be richer.
Q: How is thinking connected to the fountinhead of Creative
A: Every thought springs from Creative Intelligence.
Q: What is mean by "Creative Intelligence is integrative"?
A: Unity in diversity, and it operates on all levels
Q: How is the integrative quality experienced in Transcendental
A: It combines restful with alertness
Q: How do we experience the progressive value of Creative
Intelligence in us?
A: We begin to grow and evolve towards fulfillment.
Q: Why did Maharishi conclude that life should not be a struggle?
A: Because life is natural, therefore it should be spontaneous.
Struggle is neither natural or spontaneous.