Pagan Calendar of Days - Listed by Category

Please note:
Dates that are listed below are for 2013, these may vary from year to year. Also, because this is a brand new site, much of the content has not yet been uploaded. Please be patient, we are working as fast as we can to get it online.
Saint Days

*St Agatha's Day - Feb 5
* St Andrew's Day - Jan 30
* St Anne's Eve - Jul 24
* St Bernadette's Feast Day - Apr 16
* St David's Day - Mar 1
* St George's Day - Apr 23
* St John's Day - Jun 24
* St Patrick's Day - Mar 17
* St Paul's Day - Jan 25
* St. Swithin's Day - Jul 15
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Pagan Calendar of Days
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Wheel of the Year

* Vernal Equinox - March 20
* Summer Solstice - June 20
* Autumn Equinox - Sept 22
* Winter Solstice - Dec 21

Full Moons

* Wolf Moon - January
* Quickening Moon - February
* Crow Moon - March
* Wind Moon - April
* Hare's Moon - May
* Honey Moon - June
* Buck Moon - July
* Corn Moon - August
* Harvest Moon - September
* Blood Moon - October
* Mourning Moon - November
* Long Nights Moon - December
Wheel of the Year
Saint Days

Feasts And Festivals

Feast of Baba Yaga
Feast of Ceres
Feast of the Dews
Feast of the Divine Life
Feast of the Einherjar
Feast of Expectant Mothers
Feast of Frau Holle
Feast of the Lemures
Feast of Our Lady of Carmel
Feast of Mary Magdalene
Feast of Rhiannon
Feast of Sekhmet
Feast of St. George
Feast of Ullr

Festival of Acca Larentia
Festival of Angerona
Festival for the Broken Needles
Festival of Amaterasu
Festival of Anna Perenna
Festival of Artemis
Festival of Bacchus
Festival of Belenus
Festival of Bellona
Festival of Brigit
Festival of Carmenta
Festival of Carna
Festival of Cats
Festival of Ceres
Festival of Cerridwen
Festival of Chang O
Festival of Concordia
Festival of Consus
Festival of Dionysus
Festival of Fata
Festival of Felicitas
Festival of Fides
Festival of Flora
Festival of Fontus
Festival of Fortuna
Festival of Fortuna Redux
Feronia Festival
Festival of the Handmaidens
Festival of Hekate
Festival of Hecate Trivia
Festival of Hogmanay
Festival of the Holy Marys
Festival of the Invincible Sun
Festival of Ishtar
Festival of Isis
Festival of Juno
Festival of Knut the Reaper
Festival of the Kore
Feast of Kuan Yin
Festival of Lares Compitales
Festival of Lugh
Festival of Luna
Festival of Mars
Feast of Mary Magdalene
Festival of Mater Matuta
Festival of Meditrina
Festival of Mens
Festival of Mercury
Festival of Neptune
Festival of Ops
Festival of Pales
Festival of Pax
Festival of Portunes
Festival of Poseidon
Festival of Quirinus
Festival of Robigus
Festival of Salii
Festival of Salus
Festival of Saturn
Festival of Sol Indigis
Festival of Tellus
Festival of Terminus
Festival of Thoth
Festival of the Tooth
Festival of Torches
Festival of Vertumnus
Festival of Vesta
festival of Vulcan
Festival of Woden
Festival of Women
Festivals and Feast Days

* Birthday of Horus
* Birthday of Isis
* Birthday of Kwan Yin
* Birthday of Mithra
* Birthday of Mother Earth
* Birthday of the Muse
* Birthday of Nephthys
* Birthday of Osiris
* Birthday of Set
The Zodiac

* Aries - Mar 21 to Apr 20
* Taurus - Apr 21 to May 20
* Gemini - May 21 to June 20
* Cancer - June 21 to July 20
* Leo - July 21 to Aug 20
* Virgo - Aug 21 to Sep 20
* Libra - Sep 21 to Oct 20
* Scorpio - Oct 21 to Nov 20
* Sagittarius - Nov 21 to Dec 20
* Capricorn - Dec 21 to Jan 20
* Aquarius - Jan 21 - Feb 20
* Pisces - Feb 21 to Mar 20

Celtic Tree Months

* Birch - Dec 24 to  Jan 21
* Rowan - Jan 22 to Feb 18
* Ash - Feb 18 to March 17
* Alder - March 18 to April 14
* Willow - April 15 to May 12
* Hawthorn - May 13 to June 9
* Oak - June 10 to July 7
* Holly - July 8 to Aug 4
* Hazel - Aug 5 to Sept 1
* Vine - Sept 2 to Sept 29
* Ivy - Sept 30 to Oct 27
* Reed or Elm - Oct 28 t Nov 24
* Elder - Nov 25 to Dec 23

* Furze - Spring Equinox (March 20)
* Heather - Summer Solstice (June 20)
* Poplar - Fall Equinox - (September 22)
* Yew - Day before the Winter Solstice (December 21)
* Fir - Winter Solstice (Dec 22)
* Mistletoe - Day after the Winter Solstice (December 23)
Links to
Individual Months

January Calendar
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January Spells & Rituals

February Calendar
February Lore

February Spells & Rituals

March Calendar
March Lore
March Spells & Rituals

April Calendar
April Lore
April Spells & Rituals

May Calendar
May Lore
May Spells & Rituals

June Calendar
June Lore
June Spells & Rituals

July Calendar
July Lore
July Spells & Rituals

August Calendar
August Lore
August Spells & Rituals

September Calendar
September Lore
September Spells & Rituals

October Calendar
October Lore
October Spells & Rituals

November Calendar
November Lore
November Spells & Rituals

December Calendar
December Lore
December Spells & Rituals

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