Pagan Calendar - February Spells and Rituals For people living in four-season climates, the snows begin to accumulate and winter winds decorate the windows with frosty reminders of the outside chill. Because of this, magic for continued health is fitting during November, as are spells and charms for protection.Wintery months also seem to be a time for introspection - to us divination tools for foresight and preparation, to seek guidance within, and to ask the Goddess for a special spiritual vision to carry us through the last months of the year.
1: Festival of Brigit 2: Imbolc 2: Lammas or Lughnasadh (Southern Hemisphere) 2: Candlemas 3: Setsubun 4: Disting - The Charming of the Plow 4: King Frost Day 5: St Agatha's Day 5 thru 17: Fornacalia - The Day of the Ovens 6: The Aphrodesia 7: Day of Selene 8: Festival for the Broken Needles 10: Chinese New Year - Year of the Snake begins 12: Festival of Artemis 13-21: The Parentalis 14: Valentine's Day 14: Full moon - Quickening Moon 15: Lupercalia 17: Festival of Quirinus 21: Feralia 21: Sun enters Pisces 22: Caristia 23: Festival of Terminus 24: Flight of the King - Regifugium 24: Russian Butter Festival 28: The epic poem, Kalevala, is celebrated by the Finns
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