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Pagan Calendar - January Spells and Rituals

For people living in four-season climates, the snows begin to accumulate and winter winds decorate the windows with frosty reminders of the outside chill. Because of this, magic for continued health is fitting during November, as are spells and charms for protection.Wintery months also seem to be a time for introspection - to us divination tools for foresight and preparation, to seek guidance within, and to ask the Goddess for a special spiritual vision to carry us through the last months of the year.
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January Spells and Rituals  -  New Years Celebrations
Ring of Fire
Dark Shadows
Midnight Moon
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January 2014 Calendar

1: New Year's Day
1: New Moon
1 - 3: Kalends of January
2: Advent of Isis
3: Festival of Pax
3: Snow Day
4: Evergreen Day
5: Festival of Lares Compitales
5: Twelfth Night
6: Epiphany
6: Festival of Kore
7: Feast of Sekhmet 
7: Egyptian New Year's Day.
7: Distaff Day
8: Midwives' Day
9: The Agonium - Festival of Janus
11 and 15: The Carmentalia
13: Plough Monday
16: Festival of Concordia
16: Full moon - Wolf Moon
17: Good Luck Day - Festival of Felicitas
19: Blessing of the Waters
21: Sun enters Aquarius
24: Feriae Sementivae
24: Gold Rush Day
25: Up Helly Aa
25: St Paul's Day
30 - Feb. 2: Februalia
30: New Moon
31: Disfest/Disablot
31: Hecate's Feast
31: Chinese New Year - Year of the Horse
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January Lore
Coming Soon - Lots of content just waiting to be uploaded - Please be patient I am working hard to get it done.
As this page fills up, I'll be posting about it on the Magic Spells facebook page - give it a "like" and stay current on the updates.
First Footing - A New Year's Eve ritual involving a special visitor who brings good luck and prosperity to the New Year.
Stonehaven Fireball Ceremony - To celebrate the New Year fireballs swing in Stonehaven, Scotland. information plus two videos of this Scottish New Years Eve fire festival.
New Year's Lore - Ensure a happy prosperous New Year by following these traditional beliefs and superstitions.
Chant of the Year - A Celtic chanting ritual for the New Year's Eve.

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