Dog Training, Tips, Tricks, and Plenty of Good Advice

A Training Game

Here is a fun and useful “training” game you can play with your puppy. This game will reinforce (and teach) the following commands:

SitStaySniff itFind itComeNo

You will need a willing puppy, a leash and collar, and a handful of yummy puppy biscuits, or other treats.

Begin by placing your puppy in a Sit / Stay. As soon as your puppy is settled, hold a biscuit in front of your puppy’s nose, saying Sniff It. Your puppy may grab for the treat, so hold it tight. If your puppy lunges for the treat, say NO, reinforce the Sit / Stay command, then repeat Sniff It. You might be able to see your puppy’s nose wiggle as he sniffs.

Place the treat on the floor where your puppy can see it. Insist that your puppy stay properly seated for a count of 10. Then, with an excited tone of voice, release your puppy from the Sit / Stay saying: OK! Find it! As soon as your puppy finds it, call your puppy to Come, praise your puppy, and then do it all over again.

A favorite toy can be substituted for a treat, but only if your puppy is highly motivated to find, get, and play with the toy.


During the teaching phase, the treat must be in plain sight and super easy to find. If your puppy seems confused, or has any trouble finding the treat, you must help him find it. Do several simple repetitions. As soon as your puppy understands the concept, begin gradually to increase the difficulty by hiding the treat in other rooms, or out of sight.


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