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The Independent Review 1986 Winter Issue -page 1
All poetry and fiction printed herin remain the property of their respective authors. No part of this ezine may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, except as may be expressly permitted by the Copyright Act or in writing by the author.
The Unknowns
They're like ghosts
On a lonely destination
Typing away on a typewriter
For fame and recognition
They listen to the wind
Voices still in the night
They grab their paper and pen
And their thoughts begin to ignite
Hoping someone will recognize their name
A milestone in their life
Destined for fame
But as day turns into night
And night turns into day
They're still unknown voices
Unless they send the manuscript away
The unknowns
by Gary W Fort
I sent it today -
MS on the way!
And now every day
by the mail box I'll stay -
getting gray -
and I'll pray
that you'll write back and say,
"Yes. We'll print it today!
And, oh by the way,
we pay!"
The Essence of Poetry
From a distant realm
Of imagination,
Worldly thoughts that capture
A unique fascination,
Lines that tell
Of life's tribulations,
Sonnets that reveal
The deepest emotions,
Chosen works
Of a special art,
Silencing the rhythm
Of a lonely heart,
As from a writer's
Yearning soul,
Each elegant, little verse
slowly flows,
the beauty of each
Soothing Rhyme
Transcends all barriers
Of mortal time,
And the dreamer's spirit,
in its released glory,
Echoes a triumphant cry
Over harsh reality
by Socheata Un