Go With The Flow

Dark Shadows

Dark Shadows
Original Art by Shirley Gibson

I love this one so much. It was one of the first ones I painted, so you can see that it was signed on the front. Later on I chose to sign them on the back. Also, this was painted before my divorce – so the name I signed is different. Sigh. It’s an amazingly moody and surreal painting. Super cool.

More Info:

  • India ink on paper
  • Size: 9″ by 12″

Cosmic Iris

Cosmic Iris
Original Art by Shirley Gibson

This one is part of a series of paintings I did when experimenting with just a couple of colors on rice paper. What’s different about this one is that I added some blue acrylic paint, just painting it on with my finger, mostly out of curiosity to see what would happen, and I think it looks pretty cool.

More Info:

  • India ink, acrylic ink, and acrylic paint on rice paper.

Three Moons

Three Moons
Original art by Shirley Gibson

Love how this one turned out. I used a thicker paper for this, something that I thought might hold up to the iridescent acrylic paint I used for the moon shapes. It’s so much more vibrant in person, but still pretty cool, I think.

More Info:

  • India Ink, Iridescent Medium, and Acrylic Ink on paper.
  • 8 1/2 by 11 inches

Cookie Heart

Cookie Heart
Original art by Shirley Gibson

This is actually a detail from a larger painting that didn’t work out the way I had hoped. The heart, though, is super cool I think.

More info:

  • India Ink, Acrylic Ink, and Iridescent Medium on paper


Original art by Shirley Gibson

This is actually a very small painting, one of a series of experiments with rice paper. This type of painting is quite tricky to get right when working on rice paper because the paper is so absorbent. The ink continues to spread for quite a while after it’s been added, and the whole thing can turn into mud very easily.

More Info:

  • India Ink on Rice Paper

Midnight Moon

Midnight Moon
Original Art by Shirley Gibson

This is one of my all time favorites. I spent a lot of time trying to duplicate the awesomeness of the moon effect, but this one is really the best one.

More Info:

  • India Ink on paper
  • Size: 8 1/2 by 11


Original Art by Shirley Gibson

I love this! It’s actually a detail from a larger painting. It came as a bit of a surprise to me how happy this painting was, because at the time, I was in a pretty dark place, feeling discouraged about my art, my life, and just about everything. So. This was nice to see!

More Info:

  • India ink on paper

Fright Night

Fright Night
Original Art by Shirley Gibson

This was an experiment with pouring on watercolor, quickly covering the painting with a piece of acrylic, and then pulling off the acrylic to make an image. The technique has a name which escapes me at the moment. This particular painting was the only one I made using this method. Very spooky and cool, I think!

More Info:

  • Watercolor on foam core


Original Art by Shirley Gibson

This was the first painting that I made, and it came out so amazingly cool! I was never ever able to get such a great mix of colors again, but I made a lot of other cool paintings trying to get there. 🙂

You can see that I signed it on the front. This was before my divorce, which is why the name is different. Later, I regretted the decision to sign the abstract paintings on the front. Most of the other paintings are signed on the back.

More Info:

  • India Ink on Paper
  • Size: 8 1/2 by 11 inches

Hawaiian Storm

Hawaiian Storm
Original Art by Shirley Gibson

The colors on this one really faded as the painting dried, so I enhanced the image. Also, the card stock buckled and wrinkled, which I hated at first, but it grew on me, and now I do like that you can almost see the wind blowing.

More Info:

  • India Ink on Card Stock


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Be Merry!

I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!
