Go With The Flow

Silver Moon

Silver Moon
Original Art by Shirley Gibson

This painting is actually the result of an experiment. The paper I used was so thin, and the paintings were so fragile, that I tried using two sheets of paper instead of just one. The top page wasn’t secured properly, and was a bit wrinkly, so I pulled it off when it was still damp. This was underneath. Love the pink!

More Info:

  • Ink on paper


Creation Story

Creation Story
Original Art by Shirley Gibson

Rice paper is extremely tricky, and I didn’t make very many successful paintings with it. I love this one. It’s translucent in the light, and both sides are equally bright.

More Info:

  • India Ink and Liquid Acrylics on Rice Paper


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Be Merry!

I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!
