Yearly Archives: 2019

Vampires, like genies, may be trapped in bottles. Choose a glass or metal bottle, presumably the vampire can bite through a plastic one. This spell works on the same principle as a fly-trap.

Here’s how it works:

Place some kind of food the vampire likes inside the bottle, but not blood. This spell works on a vampire who is understood to have once been a regular person with predilections for human food. Find something particularly tempting and put it in the bottle.

You will know when the vampire is in the bottle when you observe a bit of straw or fluff within. Seal the bottle up securely.

The bottle and the vampire may be destroyed by throwing the sealed bottle into a fire. If it is a clear glass bottle, it can be left in the sun with the lid off. The sunlight should soon turn the vampire into ash.

From: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

May 26 is World Dracula Day, and a celebration of vampires. So, I thought it might be good to post some Vampire Banishing Spells. It is said that peppermint repels vampires just as effectively as garlic, and can be easier to administer. The addition of garlic to the peppermint gives an added boost.

  • Hang fresh peppermint leaves around one’s neck at bedtime. This is also reputed to have an aphrodisiac effect, so maybe you’ll be too busy to worry about the vampires. 🙂
  • Grind dried peppermint leaves and garlic cloves together, forming a powder. Place some of this powder in a bag and wear around your neck. This is no longer an aphrodisiac. 🙁
  • Make a powder by grinding dried peppermint and garlic together. Cast a circle with this powder around your bed just before bedtime. It is said that infernal beings will not enter this circle.
  • Add essential oil of peppermint to a vial of grapeseed oil. Keep the bottle beside your bed. Anoint your neck with the oil before retiring for the night or as needed.

Source: The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

With World Dracula Day coming up on May 26, I thought it might be good to post some Vampire Banishing Spells. Of course these can be used any time of the year that you feel they might be needed.

Banishing Spell #1

This spell is for the Obsessive-Compulsive Vampire. Place fishing nets over entrance doors and windows of the place you’d like to protect. Allegedly the vampire must compulsively count all knots before entering. He or she will either be caught in the sunlight or simply give up and find another home.

Fishing nets may be replaced or supplemented with sieves; the vampire will be forced to count the holes instead.

Banishing Spell #2

Lilac oil reputedly repels vampires and is certainly more fragrant than garlic. It’s very difficult to find real lilac oil, most of what is commercially available is synthetic; presumably vampires can tell the difference. So it’s best to make your own, the lingering aroma should keep the vampire out of the house, too.

Infuse olive oil with lilac blossoms. Rub the oil on the body as needed.

Banishing Spell #3

To banish a vampire from territory larger than just your private home and presence is simple enough… provided you have his sock.

The vampire’s left sock is specifically needed. Stuff it with graveyard dirt, preferably from his or her own grave, blended with rocks from the cemetery. Toss this into running water outside the limits of the area you wish to protect.

Important note:

Make sure the water is flowing away from, rather than in to, the area you are protecting.

Source: Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells

The type of lamp recommended is a hurricane or kerosene lamp.The basic fuel mixture is a blend of castor oil, olive oil, and kerosene. Use 2/3 kerosene to 1/3 oil mixture. A simple terracotta oil lamp may also be used – the basic fuel mixture would then be olive oil, or palm oil.

Start with a clean lamp – a new one is best – but a used one is fine as long as it has been thoroughly cleansed.

At the bottom of the lamp place a magnet and a personal object from the person the lamp is intended for or their name written on parchment paper cut in the form of a cross. Pour in two ounces of virgin olive oil that has been thoroughly infused with two tablespoons of the following mixture:

  • Two parts cinnamon
  • One part chamomile
  • One part peony (flowers or oil).

Now select five of the herbs from the following list and add 1/2 teaspoon of each:

Alfalfa – Basil – Blessed Thistle – Mustard Seed – Yellow Dock – Irish Moss – Five-finger Grass – High John the Conquerer Root – Four Leaf Clover – Cinnamon – Red Clover – Buckeye – Tonka Beans – Golden Seal – May Apple or Mandrake Root – Sweet Flag Root – Vervain

Fill the rest of the way with your basic fuel mixture. Light the lamp and recite a prayer to Saint Expedite, or whatever deity you wish to invoke for quick help.

Once it is lit, the flame must not be extinguished until help arrives. Each day at the same time, your desire should be restated and the prayer recited while turning the lamp in a clockwise direction (to get the ingredients moving), and the lamp should be refueled if necessary.


If some of the ingredients seem difficult to acquire, feel free to use any herbs and oils that are useful in spells for luck, success, or the removal of obstacles. For example, nutmeg can be substituted for peony flowers.

From: Charms, Spells, and Formulas

Aloe Vera is thought by the people of Africa to bring good luck to those who possess it. To create some good fortune of your own, place an Aloe Vera plant on your altar. Place pieces of agate in various places around the aloe plant, and place a yellow candle in front of the plant. Inscribe the words “To bring good luck” on the candle, and repeat the following verse while lighting the candle:

My home is a garden,
Surrounded by a wall of luck,
And made on peculiar ground.
This is a spot enclosed by grace,
Out of the reach of the world’s negativity
And surrounded by fortune’s flame.

Allow the candle to burn in a safe place until it extinguishes itself.

Source unknown

Perform this at the new moon. Decorate the altar with fresh flowers, sprouts, spring water, and images of maiden goddesses. Light some white, pink, and blue candles and some incense of your choice. Prepare a ritual bath with lavender, saffron, and laurel. Say:

“I am Maiden, beautiful,
Renewed, Refreshed, Reborn.”

When your bath is complete, let the water drain out, and imagine all the negative emotions and thoughts draining away from you. Sit at the altar and light the candles. Say:

“With this flame I ignite within me
The spirit of the maiden.”

Now would be a good time to either meditate, or invoke a maiden goddess that you feel close to.

“I am whole unto myself
I am the bright maiden
Strong, invincible, free.

I am the dark maiden
Cloaked in veils and mystery.

I am the pulse of the sun
And the pull of the moon.
Flowing from one to the other
In perfect harmony.

Where I walk, no one can hinder me.
I am maiden, forever young and free.”

Drink the spring water. Say:

“Maiden Goddesses,
I drink of thy sweetness and strength
And am thus filled with thy spirit.”

Eat some sprouts. Say:

“As this seed bursts with new life,
So am I filled with vitality.”

Found at Mistress Kalpanas Realm

There is a powerful Buddhist ritual that addresses the popular aspiration to get rich. The practice involves offering a light stream of water over the head of the Dzambhala symbolized by its image. The White Dzambhala is a wealth granting aspect of the Compassionate Buddha and in this form sits on a turquoise dragon, surrounded by four dakinis each signifying a Buddhist cosmic family and a compass direction. Dakinis are powerful female angels who help Dzambhala bring riches into the lives of those who do the water ritual daily while reciting their mantras.

It is important to generate an altruistic intention when doing this practice. When your desire to become rich is only to benefit yourself, it deprives the practice of much power. When your aspiration is fueled by your great desire to help others however, the ritual takes on much added power. Even when your motivation is inspired by your great wish to benefit your loved ones, this is far better than just thinking of yourself.

Thus for those needing the money to fund their children’s education, to buy a house for the family, to pay for hospital bills for instance… and you think through these needs of yours before doing the ritual then, it will establish a good and pure motivation that really adds great strength to the practice.

The Preparations

Firstly, get an image of the White Dzambhala. Commit the image of Dzambhala to memory. Notice that White Dzambhala is sitting on a turquoise dragon and is carrying a white trident in one hand and a banner in another.

Secondly, get images of the four Dakinis. These are beautiful offering Goddesses from the four Buddhist families, each of whom live in a different direction. From the East comes blue coloured Vajra Dakini who holds a thunderbolt in her right hand; from the South comes Ratna Dakini who holds a jewel in her right hand; from the West comes Padma Dakini and she holds a lotus in her right hand; and from the North comes green coloured Karma Dakini who holds a sword in her right hand. Commit the images of the dakinis to memory to aid you in your visualizations as you recite their mantra.

Thirdly set up your crystal bowl in which you place an inverted glass to place a flat surface on which you place White Dzambhala in the center surrounded by the four dakinis.

Finally prepare a jug of fresh water filled to the brim; it should have a thin spout from which you will pour water over White Dzambhala’s crown as you recite his mantra. Do this pouring slowly and with great loving gentleness.

Mantra Practice

Begin by generating a good motivation… then start reciting the mantra of White Dzambhala:

Om Padma Krodha Arya
Dzambhala Hridaya Hum Phat

As you recite, start offering the water on the head of Dzambhala. Do this slowly but steadily and note that it should be a fine stream of water. As you pour the water with your right hand, snap the fingers of your left hand in front of your heart and recite the mantra a minimum of seven times and preferably 108 times. If you have a rosary of 108 mala beads, use this and make it your designated mala for doing this practice. At times when you are in a rush, you can recite 21 or 28 times.

The Visualization

As you recite the Dzambhala mantra and pour the water on his head, think that from the mouth of the Dragon and from the mouth of Dzambhala’s mongoose come an unceasing flow of wish-fulfilling jewels and dollar notes, millions and millions of dollars. The flow of wealth comes like beautiful water falling down from the mountains. Think that Dzambhala is experiencing great bliss from the water so he promises to help you by bringing big wealth for your family and your business.

The Four Dakinis

Next you must turn your attention to the four dakinis. If there is any water left, you can also pour over the heads of the dakini images. If not, then all you need to do is to recite the mantras of the four dakinis as follows. Recite 21 sets of these mantras.

Om Vajra dakini hum phat
Om Ratna dakini hum phat
Om Padma dakini hum phat
Om Karma dakini hum phat
Sarwa Siddhi hum


When you have finished reciting all the mantras, it is important to dedicate the practice and the ritual just performed to your family and to the success of all your financial aspirations. The water used for the ritual can be used to make tea or to pour over plants or into your fish tanks or water features…

You can also place a White Dzambhala image under the falling water in a small waterfall. Place this in the North, East or Southeast of your living area… and keep the water flowing through the day. You can turn off the waterfall in the night. If you have such a waterfall in the house, it is also a good idea to recite the mantra 21 times in front of the waterfall, as this creates the great merit of invoking Dzambhala’s assistance for the family or the business. You can also create this water feature in your office.

Found at: World Of Feng Shui

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We should educate people that ‘Witch’ is not evil but ancient and positive. The first time I called myself a ‘Witch’ was the most magical moment of my life.

~Margot Adler

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