Monthly Archives: July 2017


Looks like the Way Cool Pictures theme was broken in the move, and I just now realized it. The content is still there, it just wouldn’t load. It’s back up, and now I’m having to redo the widgets and the other miscellaneous stuff that comes with the theme.

Big Update

We have been working behind the scenes to migrate to an updated hosting platform. Once all the busy work is complete, we will be a secure site. Naturally, this has not been easy. Apparently, this site is unusual and complicated and Go Daddy technicians have had to do the migration manually.

The SSL certificate has been approved and applied, but everything isn’t quite done yet because now there is a doppelganger site. one with the https and one without.  Also, I have to reconfigure all my FTP settings, and possibly redo some of the feeds… not sure about that yet. So it will be a little while before I can calm down.

Also, I have been unable to get new themes to upload to the various little mini sites that I have been working on this week. I went on theme-a-thon and made a bunch of new ones and was all ready to add several new websites… but ALAS.. they will not upload and I don’t know if it’s because it’s a secure server now… or if it’s some other reason. So… I am freaking out a little bit. LOL.

Hopefully soon all the kinks will be ironed out and it will  be business as usual.


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I Wonder
“What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?” — Robert Schuller

I think it's time to go shopping... maybe even buy some really cool stuff at my online shops!!

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