
Prayer To The Green Mother

Green Mother, Green Mother
Faery Queen Unseen Mother
Stars within the field Mother
Flowers that will heal Mother
Take us to the Mound Mother
Bring us underground Mother.
We’ll make not a sound Mother
As they dance around Mother.
Teach us how to dance Mother
As we flirt with chance Mother
Returning through the roots Mother
By seed and flower and fruit Mother
Green Mother, Green Mother
Faery Queen Unseen Mother

~Author Unknown

Invocation To The Dark Mother

“We call to thee,
dark Mother;
thou to whom all manifested life must return,
when its time has come;
dark Mother of stillness and rest,
before whom men tremble because they understand thee not.
We call to thee,
who art also Hecate of the waning Moon,
dark Lady of wisdom,
whom men fear because they wisdom towers above their own.
We, the hidden children of the Goddess,
know that there is naught to fear in thine embrace,
which none escape;
that when we step into the darkness,
as all must,
it is but to step again into the light.”

~J and S Farrar

Invocation of Hekate

You have eyes of bulls,
the voice of dogs,
you hide your form in shanks of lions.
Triple-pointed, triple-faced, triple-necked
and goddess of the triple ways, who hold
untiring flaming fire in triple baskets
and rule the triple decades, unto me
who calls you to be gracious with kindness
give heed, you who protect the spacious world
at night, before whom daimones quake in fear
and gods immortal tremble, goddess who
exalt men, you of many names, who bear
fair offspring , bull-eyed horned mother of gods
and men and nature, Mother of all things,
for you frequent Olympos and the broad
and boundless chasm you traverse. Beginning
and end are you, and you alone rule all.
For all things are from you, and in you do
all things, Eternal One, come to their end.

~From The Greek Magical Papyri

Winds Four Quarters

Maiden, Warrior, Mother and Crone


Wind’s four quarters, air and fire
Earth and water, hear my desire,
Grant my plea who stands alone,
Maiden, Warrior, Mother and Crone

Eastern Wind, blow clear blow clean
Cleanse my body of its pain
Cleanse my mind of what I’ve seen
Cleanse my honor of its stain
Maid whose love has never ceased
Bring me healing from the east

Southern wind, blow hot blow hard
Fan my courage to a flame
Southern wind be guide and guard
Add your bravery to my name
Let my will and yours be twinned
Warrior of the southern wind


Wind’s four quarters, air and fire
Earth and water, hear my desire,
Grant my plea who stands alone,
Maiden, Warrior, Mother and Crone

Western wind blow stark, blow strong
Grant me arm and mind of steel
On a road both hard and long
Mother, hear me where I kneel
Let no weakness on my quest
Hinder me, wind of the west

Northern wind, blow cruel blow cold
Sheathe my aching heart in ice
Armor round my soul enfold
Crone, I need not call you twice
To my foes bring the cold of death
Chill me north wind’s frozen breath!


Wind’s four quarters, air and fire
Earth and water, hear my desire,
Grant my plea who stands alone,
Maiden, Warrior, Mother and Crone
Maiden, Warrior…Mother and Crone

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