
Prayer To Selene For Any Operation

O three-faced Selene, come to me beloved mistress
Graciously hear my sacred spells;
Image of Night, Youthful One,
Dawn-born, light-bringer to mortals
Who rides upon fierce-eyed bulls.
O Queen, you who drive your chariot
On equal course with Helios,
You dance with the triple forms of the triple Graces
As you revel with the stars.
You are Justice and the thread of the Fates,
Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos,
O Three-headed One you are
Persephone, Megaira and Allecto
O One of many shapes who arm your hands
With terrible dark-glowing lamps,
Who shakes locks of fearsome serpents at your brow,
Whose mouths send forth the roar of bulls,
Whose womb is thick with reptile scales,
At whose shoulders are rows of venomous serpents,
Bound across your back beneath murderous chains.
O Night-bellower, Lover of solitude,
Bull-faced and Bull-headed One
You have the eyes of bulls and the voice of dogs.
Your forms are hidden in the legs of lions.
Your ankle is wolf-shaped,
and savage dogs are friendly to you,
Wherefore they call you Hekate, Many-named, Mene,
Cleaving the air like arrow-shooting Artemis,
O Goddess of Four faces, Four names, Four ways,
Artemis, Persephone, Deer-shooter, Night-shiner,
Thrice-resounding, Triple voiced, Three-headed, Thrice-named Selene
O Trident-bearing One of Three faces,
Three necks, Three Ways,
Who holds undying flaming fire in triple baskets.
You frequent the Three Ways
and are Mistress of the Three Decads.
Be gracious unto me who is invoking you
and hearken favourably.
You encompass the vast world at night,
You make the Daemones shudder
and the Immortals tremble,
O Many-named Goddess who brings glory to men,
Whose children are fair, O Bull-eyed One, Horned One,
Nature, All-mother, who brings forth both Gods and men,
You roam around Olympus and traverse
the wide and fathomless Abyss,
You are the Beginning and End,
and you alone are Mistress of All:
For from you are All things, and in you,
Eternal One, do All things end.
You bear at your brow an everlasting diadem,
The unbreakable and irremovable bonds of great Cronos,
And you hold in your hands a golden sceptre
Which is encircled by a formula
inscribed by Cronos himself
Who gave it to you to bear in
order that all things remain steadfast:
‘Overpowerer and Overpowered One
Conqueror of men and Damnodamia,’
You rule Chaos, Araracharara ephthisikere,
Hail Goddess and attend your epithets,
I offer you this incense Child of Zeus
Arrow-shooter, Heavenly One, Goddess of Harbours,
Mountain-roamer, Goddess of Crossroads,
Nocturnal One of the Underworld, Shadowy One of Hades,
Still One who frightens, having a feast among the graves.
You are Night, Darkness and broad Chaos,
For you are Necessity hard to escape
You are Fate, you are Erinys and the Torture,
You are the Murderess and Justice
You hold Cerberus in Chains,
You are steely-blue with serpent-scales,
O serpent-haired and Serpent-girdled One,
Blood-drinker, Death-bringer who breeds corruption,
Feaster on hearts,
Flesh-eater who devours those who died before their time,
Driver to the Wanderings of Madness,
Come to my sacrifices and fulfil this task for me.

~From the Greek Magical Papyri
~And also: Hekate Liminal Rites


This hymn from the Greek Magical Papyri, is addressed to Selene even though it is clearly a hymn to Hekate. The confusion of title probably arose from the syncretisation of the goddesses in the hymn, with Selene being mentioned first.

It is an awesome invocation, and perfect for use on any of Hekate’s Feast Days.

The invocation is meant to be accompanied by an offering. In keeping with other contemporary magickal practices, fragrant resins and herbs are used for positive magick. Incenses such as storax, myrrh, sage, frankincense, and (surprisingly) a fruit pit are recommended.

When calling up such a powerful and terrible deity, it’s always a good idea to bring protective charms, generous offerings, and a spirit of deep respect and reverence.

Prayer to Hekate

Sacred flame rise to power
We ask Hekate to help us empower
Hear us tonight as we request
to the needs we have to be addressed

Our prayer to you is that our needs to be met
enough money and food shelter that we won’t regret
Health and well being take care of what is not seen
Keep our spirits white and clean

We ask the universe to lend us the power
to come to this circle in this hour
We draw to ourselves the request we desire
asking it harm none and let it transpire.

This spell is done on this new moon night
We know that everything will be alright
No way can this spell be reversed
no negativity no curse.

So Mote It Be!

source: The Gay Mage

Invocation To The Dark Mother

“We call to thee,
dark Mother;
thou to whom all manifested life must return,
when its time has come;
dark Mother of stillness and rest,
before whom men tremble because they understand thee not.
We call to thee,
who art also Hecate of the waning Moon,
dark Lady of wisdom,
whom men fear because they wisdom towers above their own.
We, the hidden children of the Goddess,
know that there is naught to fear in thine embrace,
which none escape;
that when we step into the darkness,
as all must,
it is but to step again into the light.”

~J and S Farrar

Petition to Hekate

A petition for her patronage is recorded in the third century by Hippolytus in Philosphumena:

Come infernal, terrestrial, and heavenly Bombo (Hecate), goddess of the broad roadways, of the crossroad, thou who goest to and fro at night, torch in hand, enemy of the day. Friend and lover of darkness, thou who doest rejoice when the bitches are howling and warm blood is spilled, thou who art walking amid the phantom and the in place of the tombs, thou whose thirst is blood, thou who doest strike chill and fear in mortal hearts, Gorgo, Mormo, Moon of a thousand forms, cast a propitious eye on our sacrifice.

Source: The Gay Mage

Song for Hekate

O Lady of the darkest soul of night
Mother of Midnight, Ancient Shadow Queen
Bringer of Visions, give to me the sight
To see the sacred in all living things.
And in cold death, still beauty may I see
When You take back into Yourself
the beauty that was me.

O great Hekate, beneath Your waning moon
I stand dark-hooded on the shadowed road
and face three choices, though all roads lead to You
All stories end at last, untold and told.
O Crone of Wisdom, give to me the sight
To see the dance within all things
of darkness and of light.

O Ancient Lady, Mistress of the Night
You of three faces, Maiden, Mother, Crone
Protector of Witches, dancing with delight
On Your brown Earth, together or alone.
Dark Mother Goddess, give to me the sight
In death, in life, may I behold
Your Mystery dark and bright.

~Rhiannon Asher

Charge of the Dark Goddess

Wisdom and empowerment are the gifts of the Dark Goddess of Transformation. She is known as Kali, Hekate, Cerridwen, Lilith, Persephone, Fata, Morgana, Ereshleigal, Arianhrod, Durga, Inama, Tiamat, and by a million, million other names.

Hear me child, and know me for who I am. I have been with you since you were born, and I will stay with you until you return to me at the final dusk.

I am the passionate and seductive lover who inspires the poet to dream. I am the one who calls to you at the end of your journey. After the day is done, my children find their blessed rest in my embrace.

I am the womb from which all things are born. I am the shadowy, still tomb; all things must come to me and bare their breasts to die and to be reborn to the whole.

I am the sorceress that will not be ruled, the weaver of time, the teacher of mysteries. I snip the threads that bring my children home to me. I slit the throats of the cruel and drink the blood of the heartless. Swallow your fear and come to me, and you will discover true beauty, strength, and courage.

I am the fury which rips the flesh from injustice. I am the glowing forge that transforms your inner demons into tools of power. Open yourself to my embrace and overcome. I am the glinting sword that protects you from harm. I am the crucible in which all aspects of yourself merge together in a rainbow of union.

I am the velvet depths of the night sky, the swirling mist of midnight, shrouded in mystery. I am the chrysalis in which you will face that which terrifies you and from which you will blossom forth, vibrant and renewed. Seek me at the crossroads, and you shall be transformed, for once you look upon my face, there is no return.

I am the fire that kisses the shackles away. I am the cauldron in which all opposites grow to know each other in truth. I am the web which connects all things. I am the healer of all wounds, the warrior who rights all wrongs in their time. I make the weak strong. I make the arrogant humble. I raise up the oppressed and empower the disenfranchised. I am justice tempered with mercy.

Most importantly child, I am you. I am part of you, and I am within you. Seek me within and without, and you will be strong. Know me. Venture in the dark so that you may awaken to balance, illumination, and wholeness.

Take my love with you everywhere and find the power within to be who you wish.

source: Coven Of Hecate

Hekate Responds

Lo, I am with you, moved by your prayers, I who am the mother of the universe, the mistress of all elements, the first offspring of time, the highest of all deities, the queen of the souls, foremost of the heavenly beings, the single form that fuses all gods and goddesses; I who order by my will the starry heights of heaven, the healing-giving breezes of the sea, and the awful silences of those in the underworld: My single godhead is adored by the whole world in varied forms, in differing rites and with many diverse names.

~Apuleius Metamorphoses

Invocation of Hekate

You have eyes of bulls,
the voice of dogs,
you hide your form in shanks of lions.
Triple-pointed, triple-faced, triple-necked
and goddess of the triple ways, who hold
untiring flaming fire in triple baskets
and rule the triple decades, unto me
who calls you to be gracious with kindness
give heed, you who protect the spacious world
at night, before whom daimones quake in fear
and gods immortal tremble, goddess who
exalt men, you of many names, who bear
fair offspring , bull-eyed horned mother of gods
and men and nature, Mother of all things,
for you frequent Olympos and the broad
and boundless chasm you traverse. Beginning
and end are you, and you alone rule all.
For all things are from you, and in you do
all things, Eternal One, come to their end.

~From The Greek Magical Papyri

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