
There Is Always Rebirth

In lighting the fires, in stringing the lights, we do more than stave off the darkness, even more than honor the sun. We also stand with fierce courage to say to the darkness, “You may come this far but no further!” We have given the darkness its due, we have watched it leach the light from our lives for as long as we had to; now the long night is over, we can tentatively bring our own lights back from hiding, and let the new days begin.

This Turning of the Year, the returning of the light, this most hopeful of all days,has been celebrated across cultures and throughout millennia so, however you choose to participate, you will be part of an ancient tapestry. Whether you float old ideas and sorrows out to sea on paper mache boats with candles, make a Yule wreath to honor the sacred circle of life, death and rebirth, find a Yule log and burn it in your fireplace, or join the Fairies in ringing bells on Solstice morning to welcome back the sun, remember that this is a festival of inner rebirth. No matter how dark it seems, how completely dead the world appears, nature – including the holly and the ivy and the oak – teaches us that there is always rebirth.

Source: Fairywoodland.com

Something To Think About

At a time when the commercial Christmas has a tendency to swamp the sacredness of the season, we ask and are being asked, “What do you want this year?” There are certainly things that we would quite like, things that we hope will be given to us, but these are not the same as our wants.

True wants are not small things satisfied by prettily wrapped parcels; they are the immense needs of inner space that can be overwhelmed by all our little wants and yearnings. To consider our real needs – the things we lack in our lives – is often too frightening, opening up an abyss of need that calls our very existence into question.

Our real wants eat holes in us; never resting, never loving, never greeting, never finding, never seeking, never ever being satisfied deep down. These ravenous wants define our treasures so truly. They create a Christmas list that no store could supply; time to stop and really enjoy, in a space of quietness and contentment, all the things we were put on earth to do.

Space to give and receive love reciprocally. The grace to seek and find our spiritual joy. Freedom from the tyranny and burden of other’s expectations, of what others think. Acceptance of ourselves as we truly are. The list could go on and on once we begin to set down our true needs.

From: The Winter Solstice

Sunrise In The Garden

East, we enter the Dawn. The robyn comes, heralding youth and new beginning. Richness, color, growth, childlike innocence, deep rain, longer sun to linger. In what we have been given, tending to our lives to the richness, the color, the ability to share appreciation in silence or with words and action.

Are you tending to your garden? What do you want to grow and flourish? Give it attention, give it appreciation, call understanding, time. Spend some time watching nature unfold. Enjoy today; it is whatever you have been given to tend.

What are you creating? Are you moving at a pace that gives you life instead of draining or over-extending your life force? Spend an hour in the garden with the hummingbirds or the blossoms, warming into their fullness. They don’t think about it for very long… all they need is a little warmth, a little light.

Shine your light, extend your warmth. And notice how the glorious people and work in your life respond, opening in fullness, offering life to your energy.

If not it may be a time for pruning, so next years garden can flourish in the branches of mutual acknowledgement and appreciation. The garden always responds when tended.

Listen during the sunrise – listen. There is a story here. Every day a new step, a new grace, a new opportunity to listen fully. Listen every morning – she has a gift for you.

Be creative. Create, write, dance, play, sing, take photos – something that enriches your own heart that will serve the next seven generations. If it serves to make you happy the next seven generations will feel that and it will make the world better.

Commit to media that inspires – poems, songs, film – bring media into your home that fuels and nourishes the soul, the Beauty Way in your nature. If it does not inspire, don’t watch, listen, or allow it in your environment.

Notice richness. What nourishes your life? Give everything to it; allow yourself to revel in gratitude.

What a great blessing. Thank you for your gifts. Thank you for your interest in a life of Sacred Intention.

May this serve the highest good.
In Beauty – With great love,
Char Sundust

Shared on Facebook by Shanna Wood

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